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Most Aggressive Stainless Steel Razor?

From my experience it is the Above The Tie Titan H1. I haven't tried all if the stainless steels on the market but I find the ATT H1 to have a lot of blade exposure and I find it to be slightly tamer than the Muhle R41. I use my ATT H1 as an everyday razor and find that it's more forgiving than my Muhle R41. I haven't tried it but I hear the Tradere OC is pretty aggressive.
The original ikon Bulldog Spindle nearly shaved my face off. It was one aggressive razor.


Image by shanman.

The 2013 Bulldog Standard Bar Razor is a close second. It was too aggressive for my face.

The center post of the handle was fixed to the base plate like a Gillette Bulldog.

The handle was thick and it has a nice feel in the hand.

Image by shanman.
The newer iKon SB is a distant second from the ATT Titan with H1 baseplate. I like 'em both but the H1 is definitely too much for me as a daily. The M1 is more my speed.
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