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More Reviews Please

It definitely sounds like some of the more experienced members here have burned through some serious cash on different sharpening implements. Care to enlighten us?
Well, most of us don't have more than 3 different types of maker's hones. I myself only have two. I'll be adding the Naniwa line and the shapton 16k soon, so I'll be able to compare three lines of stones to each other, but past that... my depth of hone knowledge is quite shallow. Technique OTOH, I've done plenty of research on that.
my depth of hone knowledge is quite shallow. Technique OTOH, I've done plenty of research on that.
I agree.

In my opiinion the only people who can do a meaningful review moreover a comparison between hones are those who have honed few hundreds of different razors on each.

A hone is a hone - removes metal, some do it faster than others, each does it slightly differently, all have different feedback.... There are several very popular ones in the community and it makes little difference if any which one you pick. As long as you spend the time and effort to learn how to use it well, that is.

If you want to be convinced just have a razor honed on a norton 4000/8000 by one of the experts with that hone.
Well, most of us don't have more than 3 different types of maker's hones. I myself only have two. I'll be adding the Naniwa line and the shapton 16k soon, so I'll be able to compare three lines of stones to each other, but past that... my depth of hone knowledge is quite shallow. Technique OTOH, I've done plenty of research on that.


I would not get much further than: "smoother than such and such hone", "cutting faster than this or that hone" etc. My prefences change too often at the moment. I am still looking too much for the ne plus ultra hone to be able to do an authorative review.
Well, most of us don't have more than 3 different types of maker's hones. I myself only have two. I'll be adding the Naniwa line and the shapton 16k soon, so I'll be able to compare three lines of stones to each other, but past that... my depth of hone knowledge is quite shallow. Technique OTOH, I've done plenty of research on that.

Give yourself some time. HAD ramps up slowly yet is quite the persistent AD.
Your words are oh, so prophetic. :cool:

Just bought the line of Naniwa stones + a sweet 16.

You could have made worse selections... I really like the way the Naniwa stones polish an edge. The 10K followed by some time on the pastes results in a very smooth, very sharp edge.
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