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More Gillette ID help needed!

Dear Gents,

Here is something I picked up in the wild the other day at a flea market for $8.

This 40s style Superspeed has no date code on it, but is identical to another one I have which I roughly dated to 1947. I'm not sure what the original case for these razors were, but I have a feeling this one it's in is at least a few years later. On top of that, I feel like the blade dispenser is even later than that.

Let me know what you think!

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Umm... nice ride?

That particular Super Speed case started being used in 1949, and if your razor is not date coded then you know it's older than 1951. If you post a photo of the inside of the razor's head we can probably narrow it down to 1949 or 1950, assuming that that is its original case.

The blade dispenser is much later, as you were thinking -- probably something more like the mid to late '70s.
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