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Modern mild razor

Hello, I have developed sensitive skin and have a thick, soft. beard (like my hair used to be) and get a great shave with a tech which is considered to be mild. No irritation and a great shave. I was wondering which modern razors are also mild shavers, like the weber, merkur, etc. Thank you.
The Progress at a 1 setting is fairly mild. I understand the Feather Stainless also is a mild razor but I have never tried one.
+1 on the Progress set very low. Everyone says that the Feather is about as mild a razor as you can get. I love mild razors. I'll have to get one someday.
I find the Edwin Jagger DE89L to be fairly mild. Not as mild as an adjustable as a Slim or Fatboy at the number 1 setting but closer to a 3 or 4. That said, the DE89L will likely keep you happy over time. I'd also suggst looking for whatever the current version of the Merkur 180 is (is that the Merkur 23C?)... I have the 180 and its very mild.
I have a Feather AS-D2 which is a nice mild shaver. Using a Feather blade I can achieve a nice smooth shaver. Expensive, perhaps, but a well made, stainless steel razor that will last.
I agree with the others, the Feather is a great mild shaver, but one of its drawbacks is that it's also pretty expensive. They come up for sale pretty routinely on B/S/T, so just be on the lookout for one.

If you favor an open comb design, the Goodfella razor is a very mild shaver as well. It has a slim profile and makes short work of shaving in difficult spots (like under the nose).
Merkur 1904 OC is reputed to be very mild. Also the Atlas or Titan with the M plate.

I found the M plate to be well into the "mild to moderate" range. It was more aggressive than a EJ DE 89 or Weber, but not by much. I still found it very comfortable and it provided a lot of safety margin.
I was never really happy with the 89. I find the Weber with Astra SP's perfect. The Lord L 6 can be used offhanded and blindflded with no fear.
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