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Mitchum Unscented

This stuff works! Been using it for a couple weeks now after I was sweating WAYYYY too easily with Kiss my Face and Toms deodorants. I mean my shirt was soaked when I was in the barber's chair last month. Imagine if I was on a date with a hot lady :lol:.

So off I went back to using AP. Previous AP's didnt get the job done as well as Mitchum is doing right now for me. Glad I finally decided to try after hearing many great things about it. So if you are someone sweating A LOT and can't find a solution then I'd recommend Mitchum as long as you don't care about it having aluminum.
Mitchum is great stuff, even though I have a hard time finding the stick anymore. It seems that every store carries the roll on or gel but, finding the stick has become a real quest.
I like the solid white stick as well. The clear gel has a very strong chemical scent. I had a girlfriend who couldn't stand it, so she asked me to only wear natural products like Weleda when I was around her.
The old sticks were definitely the best in Mitchum, I usually use this and then rotate some Arm and Hammer on lighter days. I do like the Smart Solid and is what I get now because I can't find the old dry solid :mad3:.
I just got a couple sticks of the Smart Solid unscented (clinical strength) at a CVS because it was on sale. A kind woman in the store saw me looking at them and said "Here, these will get you a little more off" and handed me a couple coupons for them. I gotta say that I like the Smart Solid Clinical Strength better than the unscented gel. It seems to go on dryer and you don't have that waiting period of time between applying it and putting your shirt on so you don't get it all over your clothes. I've only been using it for a week or so but so far pretty good results.

The Mitchum clear gel is my go-to "underarm product", I don't notice a chemical smell, and I have never had a complaint FWIW.
I have been using Mitchum unscented roll-on for years. It's great stuff for someone that sweats a lot like me :) And it's also great at protecting against odor all day long.
I've been using Mitchum Smart Solid for probably almost a decade. It's unscented and really effective. A bit pricey I've found, but it works. I'm worried they'll get rid of it some day.. there used to be other scents available but I havent' seen them around.
This stuff works! Been using it for a couple weeks now after I was sweating WAYYYY too easily with Kiss my Face and Toms deodorants. I mean my shirt was soaked when I was in the barber's chair last month. Imagine if I was on a date with a hot lady :lol:.

So off I went back to using AP. Previous AP's didnt get the job done as well as Mitchum is doing right now for me. Glad I finally decided to try after hearing many great things about it. So if you are someone sweating A LOT and can't find a solution then I'd recommend Mitchum as long as you don't care about it having aluminum.

I've been using Mitchum products for 30 years, good stuff
I use the Smart Solid now but really wish I could find the regular scented gel locally. I can find the roll on but prefer the gel. i found it by the case on Amazon but don't have all that much confidence ordering deodorant online, LOL.
I use the Mitchum unscented gel, and it works great for me. Better than anything else I've tried.

Here's a trick that makes it work even better: Put it on the night before, when you are going to bed, instead of first thing in the morning. That gives it time to really soak into your skin.

Seems to me the old Mitchum packaging used to recommend that method.

also been using Gel unscented for years . I shave and shower at night so I apply mitchum before bed . In morning I use a scented deo . I live in florida upper 90 in heat and humidity.
Been using Mitchum Unscented Gel exclusively for more years than I care to remember. Like the adverts say, "So strong, you can skip a day." I gave some to a friend who was pretty ripe and after he calmed down (he was fairly insulted) he tried it and has been using it since.
IMO, Mitchum is the best AP I have ever used. I prefer the solid white stick over the gel just because the gel is wet at first and I feel uncomfortable with the wetness under my arms till it dries. Hard for me to find the solid white lately and I am still working through my supply of Right Guard Total Defense 5 that I stocked up on when I was couponing over a year ago. Can't believe it's been a year and I still have so much! Still prefer the Mitchum though. Great stuff!
I recently experimented with 6 or 7 different antiperspirants and Mitchum unscented gel worked the best. Reasonably priced as well - for a while I was getting two-packs at Target for 4-something. Last time they had "25% more" singles that were 3-something.
Sorry to be the dissenter here. It's a great product for it's job but the side-effect of shirts with full-on staining under the arms was too much for me. I've never known a product turn material into cardboard so easily. I had to move on.
Chalk me up as another fan of the Mitchum unscented white solid stick. I have never used a better product. Unfortunately the last local stockist, Walmart, quit carrying it last year. So if I want it I will have to do it online. If so I will have to find some sort of bulk buying arrangement to make shipping worthwhile. It had also climbed to nearly four dollars per stick the last time I bought it. I have found a decent substitute in Arid XX unscented. It runs about two dollars per stick at Walmart. A blue plastic tube with a green accent label that has unscrnted in ehite letters. It is not all out as good as Mithchum solid white stick but for now it serves the purpose. I am lucky. Though a profuse sweater I am not cursed with dreaded body odour. At least the wife says so. And thankfully I do not cause yellowing stains. Of course about any guy who does not use AP under arm is going to have odour issues. We're just beasts that way.

Cheers, Todd
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