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Mirrors steaming up?

not seen much talk about this: so thought id ask for some suggestions.
what do you do to stop your mirror steaming up when you shave?
i heard somewhere that wiping a mirror over with some soap will stop misting..so thats what i do before i shave....just using the wet tips of my fingers i apply a very thin layer of soap to the mirror. thats stops it stemaing up superbly well.
but i know there are anti misting sprays and crap like that that can be used...
so anyone have any other tips? any home remedies that work just as well?
First, I shave in the shower so my method might not work if you shave at the sink. But we have some daily shower cleaner spray we keep in the bathroom and I squirt my mirror a few times and then rinse it off with water. This seems to stop the mirror from fogging up on me while I shave.
For me, I just take my shower and open up the door to my bathroom when I am done. By the time I am done drying off and getting everything set up for my shave the mirror is no longer foggy. I know that might not work for everyone but the way I do it I have never had trouble.
Vent fan and open window in the shower. We also don't have a door on our master bathroom - the room is too small and the door just took up space. I would have to work pretty hard to get my mirror to steam up.
Your thread intrigued me, so I looked it up and here's what I found:


In a nutshell,
1. Coat with shaving cream and wipe with towel will leave steam-free mirrors for a few weeks.
2. Half vinegar, half water will work for a few days
3. A little dish soap on your hand mixed with water will be good for a day or two.
4. Car wax and defogger like you would on a vehicle.
5. Hair dryer for when you just plain forget.
+1. Lots of good reasons to have a vent fan in your bathroom....

In some instances (mine for example) a vent fan can help, but my bathroom is extremely small (8x5) and the vent van just can't keep up with a hot shower. I even replaced it with a unit that pulls 140CFM. Living in a condo, there is a limit to how I can ventilate my bathroom, and unfortunately, the brain trust that put in the original fan used a 3" vent pipe through the attic (which I don't have access to). So, I had to step down from a 6" vent output to a 3" output which greatly reduced even the most powerful fan.

All that being said, I tried the shaving cream on the mirror thing this morning with some extra La Toja cream I had lying around. Wiped it with a towel and "bang!" NO STEAM on the mirror after my shower. I will be using this method as often as needed from now on.
For me, I just take my shower and open up the door to my bathroom when I am done. By the time I am done drying off and getting everything set up for my shave the mirror is no longer foggy. I know that might not work for everyone but the way I do it I have never had trouble.

This is exactly what I have been doing lately. My extraction fan broke about two months ago and there is no window in my bathroom.
I have a shower mirror that allows a small water reservoir behind it to fill with hot water. Since the temperature of the mirror is equal to or greater than the steam, there is no fog. this is for when I shower shave. When I shave at the sink, I just leave the door open and put the fan on and no fog.
I have this issue with the mirror steaming up, but don't have the ability to just leave the bathroom door open while taking a shower. I am curious as to how to do the method with the shaving cream on the mirror, do I use something like my C.O. Bigelow or do I use Barbasol in a can. If I use an actual cream like Bigelow do I build a lather then spread it on the mirror and wipe off, how long do I leave it on the mirror, etc.? Thanks.
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