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Michael Vick - Enough Already

Sorry if I am late to the game on this one fellas. However, the sports talk radio programs here in Baltimore have been all over this like white on rice and I am tired of it. This is like CNN when Michael Jackson died. Don't get me wrong, I love Michael Jackson, but there were other things happening in the world at the time. I have the same feeling about Michael Vick. I am not going to dwell on what he did, the time he served or how he has or hasn't repented.

I want to talk about Michael Vick the football player. Michael Vick is an EXCEPTIONAL athlete. I am talking elite here. It doesn't get much better with respect to football with his speed, quickness, lateral movement, agility, cannon arm, etc.

BUT. . .

I think he is really only an AVERAGE TO SLIGHTLY ABOVE AVERAGE quarterback. Surprisingly, no one else has voiced this opinion. Steve Young started down this road on ESPN, but he was treading lightly. Case in point, Vick cannot read defenses which is why his ability to improvise s comes in handy in the rushing game. Also, he doesn't check down to his receivers. When he was in Atlanta, he basically only threw to Alge Crumpler.

I just wish everyone would look at this story a little differently. I am not trying to kick the man while he is down or on his way back up in this case. I just think people are making Superman out of Mighty Mouse.

Now, I think it is a good thing he went to Philly, because Donovan McNabb used to be the same way. Now McNabb can read defenses and he spreads the ball out to all of his receivers. Andy Reid is one hell of a coach and hopefully he can help Vick resurrect his career.
It just gives me another reason not to watch professional football (and I really didn't need one). I've had it with these overpaid clowns.
I'll say this about the Michael Vick subject once and for all: he served the sentence given to him in Leavenworth. He worked the construction job he was ordered to work for his work release program. He's served his suspension that was given to him by Roger Goodell. I'm not validating what the guy did, not by a longshot, but he paid the debt he incurred to society and to the NFL and now it's just time to put the whole thing behind us, it's old.
Vick presents such a dichotomy. A unique set of skills at a position that requires wins. He doesn't win. He has lost years of potential due to his idiocy. A slightly more athletic Kordell Stewart?
OK....Vick is going to Philly....rough house....rough fans....now what I want to see is the show outside the stadium when PETA shows up to protest and the fans give them a trashing!

As far as Bret Farve goes............come on! On again off again, on again off again, on again off again..............it's like my wife dressing to go out on a date at night! Enough already! He had the chance to do the classy thing and go out on top....now he is just a has been who doesn't know when to say enough is enough! Jeeze!
OK....Vick is going to Philly....rough house....rough fans....now what I want to see is the show outside the stadium when PETA shows up to protest and the fans give them a trashing!

I'm not a PETA supporter by any means, but you can't seriously be saying you're against PETA in this situation? Can you?
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