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Metal Polish

Would anyone know what retail stores would carry Maas or Flitz metal polish? Or any other good metal polish for that mater. I've got a superspeed that could use some prettying up, and I don't feel like paying for shipping on one item that costs like 7 bucks haha.
All Crate and Barrel's carry Maas. It's usually in the silverware section in a barrel. I would use that over Flitz, especially on a nickel plated razor.
Ah, thanks. Only problem is the nearest Crate and Barrel is (according to the Crate and Barrel website) 50 miles away from my current location. Anyone know any other places that sell it?
Check hardware stores (Ace & DoitYourself) some carry it, some do not. If they do not they can typically order it for you and have it in less than a week. (You could order it yourself of the internet just as fast though)

Also, super Walmarts sometimes have it. YMMV, mine doesn't, but a lot do. It will be in the grocery section where the Brasso and things are.

I have also heard of an occasional spotting of it at Walgreen's.
I use Mother's chrome polish myself, for the metal bits. You should be able to pick that up most anyplace with auto cleaning stuff, parts sotres, wal-mart and such. Honestly can't recall where I picked mine up. Bought it about 7 years ago and it still works, so obviously it doesn't spoil.
I found it at Sears, and there's one right by my house =D but what type should I use? It looks like there's Multi-surface metal polish, Metal polish creme, Regular polish.... who would've thought there needed to be so much variety within metal polish lol
I would suggest the polish cream... but someone much more experienced and wiser than this newbie may come along and correct me. I haven't used any of the others.
Maas is available online -- many sources. Flitz is great for gold-plated razors -- just don't over do the polishing on gold -- very thin plating.
I've been able to find Maas at a Super Walmart in the grocery dept. It is with the other household cleaning products.

I've tried a bunch of different polishes that I like for other things (Flitz, Mothers, Never Dull). There is a reason MAAS is suggested here so much over the others. For what we're doing, it works better. Stick with MAAS, and if you can't find it locally, buy it online (pretty sure mine that came from eBay was right around $10 including shipping).
As was mentioned previously, I found MAAS at the third Ace Hardware I tried. I used it for the first time this past weekend and am very happy with my results thus far. So yes, the quest is worth the effort.
Got my MASS at ACE Hardware, but I've seen 2 polishes from auto stores mentioned as substitutes. One was Blue Magic paste. The other I can't remember. Try searching the threads.
Good choice with the blue magic. Try mothers before you use it sometime works really well. Green jewelers rouge might work good on that to. If you go to the ta truck stop on I 10 and go in to the store they have about any kind of metal polish and equipment to do it you could think of. If what your looking for isn't there go back to the shop and they will have it in there store.
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