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Merry Christmas to MEEEEEE!

My in-laws just arrived in Trinidad, and came bearing gifts for me. My order from Italian Barber (not pictured artesian sandalwood soap), unfortunately my blades did not make it due to accidentally being put on a carry on. Also COBigelow since the eucalyptus feels so good in the hot winter months here. Can not forget my favorite hair product Mitch clean cut, and first tube of Marvis $DSC_0510.JPG. The thing was most excited about...............my first vintage razor, a Milord scored off ebay which cleaned up very nicely with a small speck of plate issue on corner of one door, other than that excellent shape. Just widh the box was in as good shape as the razor. I cant wait to shave with it in the AM with the Proraso Red!
Thanks! I have been waiting for this stuff since Nov first. I felt like a 5 year old on Christmas day.
Im breaking in the vulfix 2006 now. When I moved hear I realized the only brush I brought was the one that came with an eShave kit which is in my profile pick. I really missed my vulfix but the in-laws could not locate it so I ordered the one pictured.
Not yet, checking emails, watching news and drinking coffee. Waiting for the wife and in-laws to wake up. Our house is kinda small by US standards, and our bathroom is a European styling with the sink in the hallway outside the bathroom by the bedrooms.
So have you shaved yet?

Well I got my shave in, New brush performed excellent with the Proraso red. The red performed well, the only complaint was the fragrance was a little week. The Milord will need to get some adjusting too. It was extremely mild and a little awkward compared to my Merkur(my first and only razor). Im gonna shave for a week with it with a couple other blades to see if it improves. I did get DFS just not a BBS. I used a Minora Brazil blade which has recently been my go to for my Merkur.
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