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merkur sensor plating

is the merkur atra/sensor(satin) plated as poorly as their de razors? i don't mean any insult seriously just asking an opinion.
I am not aware of Merkur making an Atra, or a Sensor handle. They make a Trac II handle, that can have plastic adapters added onto it, to allow it to use an Atra, or Sensor cartridge. That's a far cry in my opinion from an actual Atra, or Sensor handle.

In the pictures I have seen, the plastic adapters look cheap, and prone to breakage.
indeed. you have to snap on the cart side to side. ahh. forget that. i suppose if i really want a new one there is em's place. i am no merkur fan anyhow. sort of why i was asking.
I recall asking someone on B&B several years ago about that Merkur handle (someone who had one) and he was not at all enthuiastic about it. Think flimsiness at the connecting point was his biggest problem.
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