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Merkur HD is ballin'


Use the Fat, Luke!
I first began my wetshaving journey with a Merkur 38C. I didn't like it all that much, and found I was prone to cutting myself. The shaves weren't good, and it left my face feeling... angry.

I then switched to vintage Gillettes. Unlabeled SS, Red Tip SS, Fat Boy, NEW, and on and on. I got much better results, and was happy. I assumed I had discovered BBS, and that the tiny bit of stubble on my neck would always be there, no matter what.

I recently traded my 38C for an HD. I shaved for the second time with it today, and all I can say is, holy carp! My face was smoother than I ever imagined possible! My fiance felt it and just started laughing - my face was smoother than the inside of her arm!

Although the razor is forgiving in that it's unlikely to cut you, I have never experienced a shave this close, even when I go to the barber and get a straight shave. This razor might be good for beginners in that it's unlikely to cut you up, but MAN! - this is the best shave of my life! :lol:

Has anyone else had this experience with the HD?
Yup. Got an HD as my first razor and loved it from the start. I've bought many other razors since and they all have their pros and some have their cons. But overall the HD has consistently given me a safe, comfortable, and very close shave. Using the right blade is important to (right for you that is) and coincidentally I got that right on the first purchase too. But the experience since then has surely been worth it....learning so much and enjoying every bit of it except the few cuts I've had.:biggrin:
It's definitely a winner as far as DE blades go. Its going to take an aweful lot of practice for me to consistently get a better shave with a straight than my DE.
I shaved with my HD with 2-3 days of growth today with a crystal blade and it was a super smooth and close shave. The HD is a great razor.
HD rocks indeed...but you can get similar (or better? YMMV) results with his twin brother the almigthy 23C long handle...:biggrin:

And not to mention the Muhle R89 ('08 issue...redesigned) razor...the best of all.
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I also enjoy the HD but didn't find it markedly different than my red tip. I switch between the two depending on how "vintage" i'm feeling but didn't have the radical difference that you got. Congrats though on the great shaves!
<The HD rox>
I have RAD'ed a few of the milestone DEs: JE89, slim, fatboy, new, SS, progress.
they all have their merits.
---> But I still get great BBS shaves w/an HD and feathers.
</The HD rox>
HD rocks indeed...but you can get similar (or better? YMMV) results with his twin brother the almigthy 23C long handle...:biggrin:

And not to mention the Muhle R89 ('08 issue...redesigned) razor...the best of all.

I'm the same case as CzechCzar - I use vintage Gillettes (Rocket HD, Flare Tip Rocket with SS head), I am very satisfied with them because of getting quite smooth shaves without much irritation. But there is one BUT. I have some stubbles after every shave... Do you think that new Muehle R89 is better than Merkur HD? Thanks in advance!


Use the Fat, Luke!
If you have your technique down pat, the only answer I can give is YMMV. The HD is a good razor for beginners because it's you're not likely to cut yourself while using it. However, most seem to prefer a red tip when trying to get the closest shave. That's exactly why I was so surprised - SWMBO felt my face this morning and declared, hands down, that this was the closest shave she had ever felt.
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