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Merkur 38C

My wife purchased me, as a lovely 36th birthday gift, a new Merkur 38C, an EJ Best Badger brush, and some wonderfully scented DR Harris shave cream, soap, and after shave (Arlington). I am curious if any of you more experienced wetshavers out there might have some other suggestions to add to my kit. Blades, for now, are Bic chrome platinum. Since I have been out of injector blades, I have been using Bic disposables, so she recognized the brand (I gave her a detailed list for the rest:blushing:). The blades give a great shave with this heavy razor, which gives an amazingly smooth shave. Are there other blades or soaps/creams recommended? Thanks for the input.

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I think you have got all you need to get off to a good start. You can start to experiment with different blades, shave creams etc to find what gives you the best results.
Its not about how many razors you have or the different rotation of products - it about enjoying shaving!
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