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Merkur 37c slant

OK, been wet shaving for just over a year now and decided to try a slant. WOW, don't know what I was waiting for; all I heard was people talking about how aggressive this thing was so I shied away from it. Wrong! Phenomenal shave with that joker. Wouldn't recommend it as a first razor, but after you get six months experience, go for it!! :cool1:
I have borrowed one once and still want one! If I dont get one for Christmas and dont get a gift cert for one of your vendors I just may have to dip into my beer fund and get one


Needs milk and a bidet!
Bingo. I tried the 39C, (37's taller brother) and it was awesome to say the least. loaded with a Feather it sings.
I really, really like my Ikon Slant. I don't think it is aggressive; I would say efficient is a better description. I want to try a 37c but cannot justify buying another razor (yet!).


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
My daily razor.
once in a while I will use my 2011 R41 Grande (it used to be my favorite) but daily it is the 37c
You made a wise choice Grasshopper.
I've actually wanted one of those for a while, but I'm trying to avoid the acquisition disorders that seem to be common around here.

Still would like to try one though. This is going to be a stupid question, but do you have to use another razor or hold the razor at an angle to get a straight line when you're grooming the bottom of your sideburns?
I've actually wanted one of those for a while, but I'm trying to avoid the acquisition disorders that seem to be common around here.

Still would like to try one though. This is going to be a stupid question, but do you have to use another razor or hold the razor at an angle to get a straight line when you're grooming the bottom of your sideburns?

Not a stupid question at all. It's hard to get a square sideburn cut with the Slant. I rotate in other razors like my 34C for that job, the rest is easy.
I bought one not long ago after reading all the praise, but it was a bit of a letdown for me. It seems nice, but no better than some other razors I have. I've been DE shaving nearly a year so I'm no expert, but I like my Fatip, Fatboy, Tech (triangle slot), NEW and other razors as much or more. I didn't think the slant was THAT efficient or more forgiving than others. I only shaved with it for several days though so maybe I need to spend more time with it and try a few different blades. Of course I have an Ikon Slant coming from MassDrop lol.
The Merkur doesn't feel very aggressive at all, its nice and smooth for me. Not a single weeper in a few dozen shaves.
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