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merkur 34c v 23c

question...after doing some research here i'm leaning toward either the merkur 34c or 23c.
(i also read that a 1940s gillette superspeed would be good for a beginner but i can't find one. if someone could point me in that direction, i'd appreciate it.)

anyway...i read that the only difference between the 34c and the 23c is the handle length with the 23c being longer. i'm not a visual person. i need to actually see things to understand it. since i can't, can someone who has used either razor tell me how long the handle is? saying that it has a long handle or short handle doesn't help me because how long/short is long/short.

since i'm used to using the mach 3 razor, a handle of about that length would be good. (my hands are large.)
The 23c is a 3 piece razor so slightly more difficult to load blades than a 34c. I also have large hands and at first I thought I'd prefer a longer handle but since getting a long handled gillette super adjustable I've realised I prefer the standard size Merkurs. I have the 34c, 11c and 37g slant. There's just something about the heft and balance of these that makes them intuitive to use imho. The longer handle of the super adjustable makes it feel slightly clumsy to me.

The handle size of the 34c is 75mm iirc which is about the same as the Gillette SS. When coming straight from a Mach3 they do seem comically small but I found I got used to it pretty quickly. The 23c is about an inch longer.

A 40's superspeed looks the same as a 50's version afaik but without any datecode markings. I've never used one but I do have a 60's flaretip superspeed which is a very mild shaver. The SS are all short handled razors. I use my SS when I'm short of time as it's the least aggressive razor I have but I usually don't get a BBS shave with it. It is possible for me to get BBS with this razor but it involves extra passes and touch ups.

There is a more aggressive version of the SS with a red tip which is well regarded but I haven't personally tried one.

If you want an SS then ideally buy it from someone on here in the BST forum or post a want to buy with details of what you're looking for. You can also get vintage Gillette's on ebay but the prices are starting to get out of hand. I overpaid for both of my Gillette's on the bay but they are in nice condition so it's not all bad. There are a few sellers who deal exclusively in vintage G's and they ship properly cleaned and polished etc but you do pay a premium for it.

Best of luck
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