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Menscience Advanced Deodorant Alternatives?

I absolutely adore this product.
It keeps me odour free, dry and best of all, leaves no lasting damage on my shirts that all aluminium-containing deodorants/anti-perspirants do.
However, it costs a packet and I'm not sure I can justify continuing to spend so much.
Has anybody come across any cheaper alternatives that get close in performance?
I've tried a body shop deo that was pleasant enough but I felt a bit damp and it was only effective for half a day or so.
I don't want to have to return to Mitchum and a cycle of throwing out shirts every few months.
Any help appreciated.
I've tried a few unscented "all natural" deodorants. Nothing lasted more than half or 75% of a day - and I am not a heavy sweater.

Try to find a light scented deo, because unscented ones are not very efficient based on those I've tried. They, at most, give you two or three extra hours before any smell appears, but that's all.

I personally like Speed Stick deodorants' fragrances, but they can be strong if you apply too much.
Well... I think you're S.O.L. I've never come across anything that can stop sweat and smell, all while being "pit staining"-free. I use alum and am moderately happy. Stops smell if you are diligent.

I like the ingredients on MenScience deodorant, but DAMN! That's a hefty price tag! But it got me thinking. A lot of those ingredients are simple. I say get a spray-on alum deodorant that contains aloe, witch hazel, and tea tree. If doesn't contain tea tree, add some! I'm no scientist, so I don't know the how well that would work. Plus the facts of would it stain a shirt and how much tea tree to be effective, but how little to be cost effective and gentle? I might have to experiment.
Thanks for the responses. I guessed there wouldn't be a silver-bullet answer but thought it would be worth a try.
I'll have to give the alum block a try. If that doesn't work it will be back to the anti-persp spray and wearing cheaper shirts!
Let us know how you get on if you try the experimental route, Oliver.
I use Degree Clinical Clean, (Not Clinical+). But it seems like they dont have them at many stores any more since the new version of it came out, which does not work at all.
I'd get that. Only thing that can keep me dry all day and the smell is not overly strong at all. I've had to resort to buying it off the bay now.
The only deodorant I've found I can use is Gillette Clinical. It seems very strong (I sweat) and it's the only one that I rarely have a reaction too. Even the natural deodorants generally give me a rash and they haven't worked all that well for me. I've read it's best to apply it at night and let it soak in and then supposedly you shouldn't even have to use it in the morning even if you shower.
I had heard that the regular use of anti-perspirants actually contributes to increased sweat production - so here is what I tried - and it worked for me. I had previously burned through undershirts and dress shirt (my wordrobe 5-6 days per week) on about a 12-16 month cycle due to pit yellowing....

I switched to deodorant only - deo soap for my pits followed by deo for the pits. Reduced the yellowing by 80%+, and I found after a week or so that I wasn't soaked in the pits like I had been before. ?? Really.

Then, I jumped to a alum block crystal deodorant and found that I really liked the feel (no grimy, gritty pit hairs) and find it carries me through a day pretty well. NO MORE yellowed shirts, not soaking wet, and not all perfumed up with stinky deo. Now, the crystal will not cover smell and shouldn't be put on already stinky pits - seems the crystal gets funky - so I keep a regular deo (non-anti-persp) on hand when I need a touch up or cover up when I am not super stinks-ville (only a shower can help that).
Well, i finally decided to give alum block crystal a try. I got this one it is PitRock push up Crystal Deodorant. I've only used it for 2 days but I am very impressed. Dry, no odour, and it looks like it will last forever, which, if it is the same as my shaving block, it probably will.
Hopefully this is the end of my search. Thanks for your help.
I had heard that the regular use of anti-perspirants actually contributes to increased sweat production - so here is what I tried - and it worked for me. I had previously burned through undershirts and dress shirt (my wordrobe 5-6 days per week) on about a 12-16 month cycle due to pit yellowing....

I switched to deodorant only - deo soap for my pits followed by deo for the pits. Reduced the yellowing by 80%+, and I found after a week or so that I wasn't soaked in the pits like I had been before. ?? Really.

Then, I jumped to a alum block crystal deodorant and found that I really liked the feel (no grimy, gritty pit hairs) and find it carries me through a day pretty well. NO MORE yellowed shirts, not soaking wet, and not all perfumed up with stinky deo. Now, the crystal will not cover smell and shouldn't be put on already stinky pits - seems the crystal gets funky - so I keep a regular deo (non-anti-persp) on hand when I need a touch up or cover up when I am not super stinks-ville (only a shower can help that).

I have tried the natural crystal deodorant. After a few uses the crystal itself smells like my stinky armpit.
I love Menscience deodorant and buy several whenever I get a coupon code for 20% off. I've tried everything and the only other deodorant that works as good is Malin and Goetz Eucalyptus.
EDIT: in reply to the "stinky crystal problem" above...

I had that problem until I read the directions (when all else fails!! =-)). Once I figured out that I needed to rinse off when done, I was in better shape.

I also found that if I tried to apply to a stinky pit, then I was most assured of a stinky crystal. In these cases, I use a stick deo as the crystal is a decent odor prevention tool but NOT a cover up.
I like the menscience Deo too but agree its over priced. I try to pick it up when it's on special (£10). If I can't get that the next best is Melvita roll on deodorant for men which is also aluminium free and has a subtle and to my mind pleasant woody scent. It's about £10 too. The only down side for me is that it goes on wet. But performance wise they are equal even when I'm in Africa in 30oC plus temperatures in a suit. Mad dogs and Englishmen...

Petal Pusher Fancies has a natural deodorant that works pretty well.

I use the Crystal and then after it dries add the PPF stuff.
I've tried Jason deodorant and it's okay. Armpits weren't as sweaty or smelly as if I was not using anything, but it just didn't cut the mustard for me. I'm back to Mitchum. I never had the issue with my shirts getting stained though but I don't wear white shirts. Just was curious about a natural deodorant.
I have the same problem as OP. The alternatives mentioned above -- Arm & Hammer, Crystal, Jason -- either don't work as effectively or I've had a bad reaction to. I'm now using Trader Joe's unscented since it's cheap, but I doubt it's all that effective. Bite the bullet time.
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