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Men, which razor, to the best of your knowledge, is the MILDEST razor there is?

I have a Merkur Slant and now I want to add something different to my collection.

I want go MILD with my next razor purchase so I can further experience the spectrum.
out of what I've tried, I found the Gillette tech to be a very mild shaver I have to shim it to get the performance I want
The Tech is a master of blood curdling aggressiveness compared to the ......GILLETTE BLUE TIP!!! :eek2: or the GILLETTE BLACK HANDLE SUPER SPEED!!!! :eek2: not to be confused with the Gillette black tip. Both the Blue tip and Black handled super speed are rediculously mild, for me to a point of promoting ingrown hairs.
I use the Blue tip if and only if I've got some razor burn and I'm at home so a little dark stubble is OK. THe balck handle I keep as it's a 68, last quater birth year. Thy're just too mild even for me a German, Jewish Scott.
See, I have the Merkur Slant and it's great when I don't have to shave that often. I have a thick rough beard and when I have a few days' growth I get an amazing close shave with little to no irritation. With a few days' growth I can get it all in a couple passes and really go crazy with the blade almost like that Method Shaving guy in his videos. But when I have to shave every day, I think what happens is the hairs are as big around as they are long making it a lot harder. I almost never get a really good shave 2 days in a row, but I've never had to until now.

I use a Badger brush with Crabtree & Evelyn Nomad soap(sometimes mixed with cream of the same brand for superlather), feather blades and hot towel prep.

So I'm thinking I'd like to try a really mild razor and see if I can have better success for daily shaving with that. If the mildest of the mild are too mild for some of you and are giving you irritation due to too many passes, then maybe I don't want the very mildest, and just something that's notably mild?
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I would agree with the Gillette Tech and black handled Super Speed. They are mild mild enough that I'm using them for the learning curve of shaving my head with a DE. Many people suggest the Edwin Jagger 89 as a mild shaver but I haven't tried it. What about an adjustable? Gillette Fat Boy, Slim, or Merkur Futur. You can dial it in to your daily needs.
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I would recommend a ball handle Tech. With a sharp blade, it gives me a nice comfortable 3 pass shave, but I would have to TRY to cut myself with it. Mild, but nice.
I quote senior member Turtle here:

Gillette super adjustable set at 1 is about the mildest razor out there. Followed by Schick Krona, then Tech, then Welshi, then DE89
A Gillette Aritocrat with which I load Feather or Crystal blades and of course Gillettes marvelous adjustables. Almost the same heritage, minus the Scot. Lots of good suggestions here and if you're not crazy about the shaver you get , you can always put it up on the b/s/t threads. Whichever you choose, enjoy!!
Pick up a slim adjustable or a super adjustable, and set them on the lowest setting. Then if you don't like it, you can dial it up to where you want it. They are a great option, and some even adjust between passes.
When I first started, I quit using my Tech because I thought it was too mild. It sat in a drawer for a year as I experimented with increasingly more aggressive razors. I decided to give it a try when a vacation to Mexico led me to travel with a razor I was unafraid to lose. This ended up being a decision that changed my approach to shaving. With experience, my technique improved and I was pleasantly surprised that the Tech now gave me an effortless BBS shave. I still use my aggressive razors, but I'm more likely to reach for my Fat Handled Tech,Weber Bulldog ARC, Rocket HD or 1940s Superspeed. My recommendation for you is to try to find a pre-WWII Fat Handled Tech, with the triangular holes in the baseplate. They are more aggressive than the newer Techs, and can be found for less than $20 in excellent shape. The only razor I reach for more often is my Weber Bulldog ARC, which costs significantly more. Good luck.

I would recommend a ball handle Tech. With a sharp blade, it gives me a nice comfortable 3 pass shave, but I would have to TRY to cut myself with it. Mild, but nice.

+1... thinking a ball-end, oval-shaped hole Gillette Tech is the mildest razor I've tried.
To the best of my knowledge (and limited experience), the Feather AS-D1 must be the mildest DE razor ever. It is certainly milder than my pre-war, triangle-slot, fat-handle Tech.
You could try a slim/fatboy/super with an every day blade like an Astra and dial it all the way down to the lowest setting.
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