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Med preps vs lab blues surprising difference

For the last 3 shaves I have started with a lab blue blade and each time it pulled uncomfortably. I switched to med prep blades each time and no pulling, just clean slick results with no issues at all. This is with 2 days growth each time.
This has been with with a 2013 (larger head) R41 razor. Each attempt was with a new blade. Not sure if this says anything but I found it interesting because I like the lab blue blades. I am re-evaluating things now. I have also noticed that my faced is smoother longer with the prep blades as compare to the lab blades. Results are very good with both blades, it seems that those good results last longer with the prep blades. To each his own....These results have surprised me.
This intrigues me because I have seen where people claim they are the same. I am considering making a 100 blade purchase and was looking at these two. O leaning toward the preps
These med preps are pretty amazing. Close as can be and so smooth. Unbelievable. I was skeptical at first, but 4-pass shaving is believing.
I was under the impression that these are the exact same blade. The Meds just get extra treatment to ensure they are fit for hospital use.

Maybe a few more tests are in order?
I was under the impression that these are the exact same blade. The Meds just get extra treatment to ensure they are fit for hospital use.

Maybe a few more tests are in order?

This explanation was proved to be BS. Personna verified that there is no special coating, sterilization step, etc on the meds. These are made in the same factory as the Labs, but on a different machine. Look here... the "added coating to the same blade" doesn't hold up. http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...vs-Lab-thread-With-pics?p=4548704#post4548704
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I, too, am confident that the Labs and the Meds are the same blade and I use and enjoy both. HOWEVER, I believe that there may be a quality control problem with the Labs. I've never had a bum Med blade. I certainly cannot say the same for the Labs. In fact, it is not entirely uncommon for me to pick two or even three Lab blades in a row that are demonstrably sub-par in performance. In light of the significantly lower price of the Labs, I'm not entirely surprised.
This explanation was proved to be BS. Personna verified that there is no special coating, sterilization step, etc on the meds. These are made in the same factory as the Labs, but on a different machine. Look here... the "added coating to the same blade" doesn't hold up. http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...vs-Lab-thread-With-pics?p=4548704#post4548704

I read the same thread and came out with the info that the blades were made on different machines but to the same specs - so the idea is to have them match exactly, but that there may be microscopic differences between production runs. And, that the Meds undergo an extra cleaning process.

There are no copies of emails directly from ASRCO in that thread though, just comments.
I have found that my 2013 R41 is very picky about the type of blade it likes. My first shave with my R41 was with a Voshkod, which I love in every other razor I own. I might have just pulled the hairs out with hot wax and tape. It was hideous. I put in a GSB and the shave was 100 times smoother. Shaved 2 days later with a Voshkod in a Gillette NEW and got a DFS with little irritation.

I hear lots of people say they can tell no difference between labs and med preps. Then there are those that can. I didn't care for the labs, which means I would likely love the med preps. But at $35/100 I can get a lot of other blades...and more of them.
There are a lot of "opinions" and "I have read" or "I have heard" posts. The only way to judge the difference is to try both yourself. I really wanted to love the Labs because of the significant price difference, but my experience mirrors vpayne's and branford's. The Labs did not do the job for me. I had to stop using one blade on the first pass because of severe tugging, switched to another Lab and had the same thing happen. I went to a Med Prep and had a great shave. I have tried the Labs in two razors and I personally notice a difference with the Med Preps coming out on top. Try them both.........lots of opinions, very few facts.
The other way to judge is to accept the statements made by the company that makes the product. According to them they are the same blade, made in the same plant. Any thing else is simply some one's opinion probably influenced by the result they want to find. Nothing more.

I recently bought 100 Med Preps and 100 Lab Blues from WCS and looked them over microscopically. No significant difference, either under the scope or on my face with several razors from a Tech to a Double Slant or even in an Old Type OC. The only thing of note under my scope was the Labs consistently had more machine oil on them than the meds did.

I bought both types even though I was not needing to buy blades just yet because of reports of a difference where none had previously existed in my experience. I once used meds exclusively for years until finding out that the labs were the same for half the price. It concerned me that there might have been a major change, so I decided to see for myself.

What I think has been happening is due to the two lines, within the same specifications. There will be tolerances incorporated into the specs, and the Lab line might be running from one limit to the other while the med line is running closer to the center. So, it would all boil down to just when certain Labs were produced if one has a noticeable issue with them or not. I may have just gotten lucky when I wound up with 100 Labs without a significant difference vs the Meds.

But, I am not going to buy additional packs of each from additional sources to look at them, either. That would knock me out of the GRUC, to say the least. And, that is what someone would have to do to get to the bottom of it all, buy a ten packs of each from different suppliers and eyeball samples out of each pack. That is too much like work....:wink2:

Or, how about this? Someone go take a job in Verona and research it from the inside. :001_rolle

There has not been any definitive statement from anyone in the company in a position to know stating that they are the exactly the same blade. I still say the best route is to test both for yourself. I very much wanted the Labs to equal the Med Preps. The did not for me. No bias, just personal experience. It is just not worth taking the time to post any more on this.

Good luck to all. Pick your own US Personna and go for it.
I used to think that they were the same exact blade but now believe that they are very similar. Someone put them both under a microscope recently and there are some subtle differences. I think it depends a lot on the razor as well. For example in my EJ DE89 I honestly cannot tell the two apart at all. They feel like the absolute exact same blade and last the same number of shaves. Oscoft came to the same conclusion in his blind test using two EJ DE89 razors doing one side with the med prep and the other side with the lab, taking each blade to the point of failure. I think that maybe in a more blade sensitive razor there might well be a difference.
There has not been any definitive statement from anyone in the company in a position to know stating that they are the exactly the same blade. I still say the best route is to test both for yourself. I very much wanted the Labs to equal the Med Preps. The did not for me. No bias, just personal experience. It is just not worth taking the time to post any more on this.

Good luck to all. Pick your own US Personna and go for it.
You're right. Being made to the same specs and being the exact same blade are different statements. Were talking razor blades where a fraction of a millimeter can make a huge difference. I have noticed a difference in the shave I get from med preps when compared to labs. So I think for people with sensitive skin like I have the difference may be noticeable. While others, with less sensitive skin, won't pick up on it.
This intrigues me because I have seen where people claim they are the same. I am considering making a 100 blade purchase and was looking at these two. O leaning toward the preps

I posted this in another thread as well. Try here. http://r.sloyalty.com/r/tfJ4pTqOEFlC

That link goes to MedEquip Depot with a 5% new customer discount. You'll have to create an account, and unless you have prescriber's DEA number you can't buy regulated stuff. But razor blades aren't regulated, so what do we care.

Search for 74-0002, the manufacturer's part number. Two boxes shipped was $64.96, or $32.48 each. Your 5% new customer discount will make it a tad cheaper.

There's no free shipping, so just buying one box the shipping eats up the savings.
i personally found them to shave almost exactly the same *IF* the lab im using does not have any issues. i really like the labs but i can say they do have some qc issues here and there. out of 20 blades 1-2 may not be as smooth as normal otherwise i find them to be pretty much the same blade.
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