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McVeyMac Straight Journal

Getting caught up Walt. I see you are using Williams now. Nice reads and enjoy the soap. I still prefer the vintage formula myself, but at least I can lather new Williams. Add aftershave to it though and it becomes a different animal and I can not lather it consistently.
Getting caught up Walt. I see you are using Williams now. Nice reads and enjoy the soap. I still prefer the vintage formula myself, but at least I can lather new Williams. Add aftershave to it though and it becomes a different animal and I can not lather it consistently.

I would have gone back to Williams a long time ago, but the fits that some people had here lathering the new formulation in my early venture back into wet shaving, and the price point relative to Arko on Amazon made me stay away from it. When I found it for $0.99 at my grocery store, I had to try it.
Ok, I hate to admit this, but todays shave was Epic.

I had an early morning conference call this morning that I was the administrator of, and I prefer to take those from the office. As a result, I was looking to shave a little time from my routine. Keeping with the "Cheap Soap" 3017 theme, I decided to go pack to Arko this morning to change things up. Funny thing though, after just two attempts at lathering with the Williams, one test lather and one for real, when I lathered up the Arko this morning, I had enough lather to shave 3 people with 3 pass shave. Dave must be rubbing off on me:lol:. Because of my time constraints I decided while drinking my morning coffee and looking at the clock that I was going to shave with one of my AC type SE razors. Because my ATT version 2 SE2 was locked and loaded, along with the RX, I decided to run with the SE2 as it had fewer shaves on the blade than does the RX.

I did a complete three pass shave with no cleanup, and the result was complete shaving nirvana. Dave described the first shave with his Asylum RX to be the best shave that he had ever given himself, period. I would describe my experience with the SE2 this morning exactly the same way. No irritation, no weepers just grail worthy smoothness over every square nanometer of my face. I have not received this type of shave with either the RX or the SE2 before, but in my side by side comparison of these two razors, the SE2 has been edging out the RX given my shaving approaches and technique. I am absolutely convinced that the RX is capable of giving me exactly the same superior performance as does this SE2, but my techniques has just not allowed for this eventuality as of yet. I will see as the day goes on if the longevity of the shave is as good as is typical for my straight razor shaves. My past experience is that it will not be. But even this has been better with the AC type SE than any DE shave I have given myself.

I finished with Raw Shea Butter as is typical, and I splashed on some Brut. I will apply an alcohol based AS splash after the Shea Butter as it helps to thin the oil and I think I get faster absorption of the oils for an amazing post shave feel. So this has been nostalgia week for me. Both Williams and Brut were products I used as a teenager, and I experienced both this morning as the Williams is sitting on my vanity in a mug, and I can smell it when I enter the den. After the shave I felt like getting high and going to the dance this morning :yikes: instead of going to work and administering a conference call (did I say that out load?; it was the early 70s man).
HAHAHA that is a great read. And a wonderful shave. Sometimes I wonder why we have so many razors when a few of them just perform heads and tails over the others.
HAHAHA that is a great read. And a wonderful shave. Sometimes I wonder why we have so many razors when a few of them just perform heads and tails over the others.

I don't know about you, but I want to master them all. That's why I have so many. And I shave with Arko and Williams to pay for it all:clap:.
I wanted to update the longevity of the SE2 shave from yesterday as surprisingly excellent. As good as the average straight razor shave.
Catching up...
Good reads Walt! Great comparison on the razors. Glad the Williams worked for you! Once I got it dialed in modern Williams always gave me a great lather. Cowboy Willy is still vexing me.
Straight Shave #579

Saturday I did a quick 2.5 pass and a cleanup with the Fili #13. While the shave was DFS+, I was a bit disappointed in the Willy as it wanted to dry out on me. I am trying various methods to whip this soap into shape. Normally with any soap, I give a good shake of saturated brush into the soap, and bloom the soap in a warm sink with the scuttle and the brush blooming. After blooming, I typically shake out the brush of all excess water, and I pour the soap bloom water into the scuttle to make the lather from. When I did this with the Williams in the past, I sensed that there may be too much water in the mix as the soap was not uber slick. This shave I added water to the scuttle as I built the lather. I think I need to add more water than I did yesterday as the soap was wanting to dry on my face. I don't yet have this very cheap and very available soap figured out just yet. I may have to vary the brush I use as well. Up until yesterday I used my Whipped Dog 26mm mountain badger. Yesterday I used My Stirling 26mm Best Badger as it is denser and has a bit more backbone than the Whipped dog. I am definitely not completely dialed in with this soap as of yet.

On the plus side, I know how to make Arko work every time under every circumstance, so I can still 3017 my cheap soaps to help pay for my RAD. Getting a lather that is close to the Arko in performance with the Williams has continued to elude me though.
Yeah it took me about 8 or 9 lathers to get the Williams dialed in. Now if I could just have the same results with the Cowboy Willy! Good read! Regarding sticks, have you used Palmolive or Derby? They are in the same price range. I like the scent of the Palmolive the best, followed by the Derby. All 3 performed good for me, with a slight edge to the Arko for slickness.
...shaved back to puberty, that's a good one.
I am sure you will get Williams dialed in, it's not that difficult in the grand scheme of things. I think the answer lies in getting the puck itself hydrated in such a way it gives off a nice load of soap for each use. This could mean blooming briefly before you load or it could mean soaking for days. In my case I know the soap performs best the second or third day on (even if I grind it and add glycerin).
Great read Walt. Williams really seems to be finicky for a lot of people, myself included. I may try it for a week just to see if I can get consistent with it, but that might be too much for me lol.
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