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McClelland Dark Navy Flake

I just received a few ounces of McClelland Dark Navy Flake today. I have a question....what is the best way to pack this? Also,how well does it smoke since it seems be fairly damp.
If you're not accustomed to flakes, I would suggest rubbing it out into a ribbon consistency, letting it air dry up to an hour, then packing as you would any ribbon cut. If your not that patient, 10 to 15 seconds in the microwave has been suggested but I haven't tried that personally.
My primary smoke is McClelland's broken flakes. I rub them out and then pack. I do not bother with the drying, but some folks like dry tobacco. I view the rubbing out as just another part of the ritual that I go through.
Is it cheating to rip of a section of flake and then chop it with a pocket knife into 1/4 in' pieces and then pack those in the pipe? 'Cause I read that somewhere when I had my very first flake and it has worked well for me.
Is it cheating to rip of a section of flake and then chop it with a pocket knife into 1/4 in' pieces and then pack those in the pipe? 'Cause I read that somewhere when I had my very first flake and it has worked well for me.

I've torn up flakes and smoked them that way. Usually makes a slower burn and I like it.
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