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i finally gave in and decided to order the much talked about Martin De Candre. On their website i noticed they had another shave soap called "le cannele"
I was wondering if any of you have heard of this soap or have it. If so what are your thoughts on it. I went ahead and ordered the 170g and the "le cannele"also
can't wait to get my hands on them.
Here's a picture from their website of "le cannele"

Savon à raser "Le Cannelé"
Mdc is a fantastic soap. Le Cannelé is the same scented soap as the 170g jar but it comes in a different container.
The bowl is named so because the shape resembles a canelé.
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lol darn. for some reason i thought that cannele ment something along the lines of cinammon thinking it was a completely different soap...thats why i went ahead and ordered it. Oh well nothing wrong with having a couple of them.
May I ask what the shipping cost was and whether the VAT is discounted? Am getting the SSADs and beginning to eye Martin De Candres!
also...how does MdC compare to other high end soaps/creams..
I have Pens BB cream, Acqua Di Parma, SMN, CF and some DR Harris Soaps....out of all of them AdP is my favorite...is MdC up there with those or better? i know a lot of it comes down to preference...but i'm sure if MdC is anything like those i'll be very pleased.
I don't get mint, but noses are different.

My wife made soap for a few years with EO's and really got good at it. When I unwrapped the MdC (and they ship for the shavepocalypse) she was at least 8 feet away from me. I opened up the jar and about a second later she looked up from her book and said one word: Lavender.


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I get lavender and rosemary...no mint to my nose either.

the ladies at work sniffed a jar and got Lavender.
In a French gentleman's bath and grooming room the shave soap was left out on a side board or tray. The soap maker simple offers these traditional soap 'holders' so the modern day gentleman can leave his soap out on display. The cool MdC jar/pot would be considered a vessel to be hidden in a drawer.
As said earlier, you can nerver have too much MdC.
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