So I emailed the fine folks at Martin de Candre the other day after some ongoing conversations on the forum about how much we love their Fougere scent and wish we could bottle it in an EdT and shave with it In a soap. So I decided to go right to the source and ask if it's a possibility. Here is their response!
So what do you think? Wouldn't that be fantastic!? Post back some support of this potential venture and I'll make sure to share the feedback with them to help provide some motivation!
On Aug 18, 2012, at 5:09 AM, "martin de candre" <[email protected]> wrote:On Aug 18, 2012, at 10:22 AM, Eric Johnson <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Sir,
We need time to create new perfumes (Eaux de Toilette and Shaving soaps) and we hope it will be possible peraps next year.
We thank you very much for your message and we are very touched with your attention.
Do you agree if we place your message on our online selling?
Many thanks.
Best regards,
Marie Amélie de Courcy
Responsable des relations clients
Amazing! I'd be willing to wait however long it takes if it means you will produce more products with this fantastic scent. There are many fans of it who fell in love with your Fougere scent thanks to the sample bars you included in orders of your original shaving soap.
You may place my message on your online store. I will also be posting it on the message boards as there are many more fans of your products there that would be very excited to hear that a Fougere Toillette and Shaving Soap may be a possibility in the future.
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question.
Eric Johnson
So what do you think? Wouldn't that be fantastic!? Post back some support of this potential venture and I'll make sure to share the feedback with them to help provide some motivation!