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Market research call

I received a call from a market research firm today. It seems that one of my friends who likes to mock my shaving habit referred me to a company to do research on a shaving cream :laugh: Some of you are probably familiar with these things. You check out a product, give your feedback, and then they pay you. This one pays $50.

Of course, she went through qualifying questions to make sure I was in their demographic first, and they were quite funny. She asked what cream I used and I answered "Proraso", which was answered with a "Pro-what?"

She then asked if I used any "Higher end" creams like something from Macy's or Nordstrom's. I told her that I used creams that were higher-end than those, from England. Again, I got "Taylor of what?". I know she's not part of the shaving company so I don't mean to mock her, but the process was funny.

Anyways, I'll be picking the cream up on Jan. 13th and trying it for 2 weeks, then reporting back my findings to them. This oughta be fun. I'll post more when this happens.
Nope. They never give details. It may even be a blind test so I'll never know. But, we'll find out in a couple of weeks.
I have written and analyzed the data on a number of surveys. Would love to see the reaction on the analyst's face when he measures your responses against the whole. They are gonna stick out like a sore thumb!
I have written and analyzed the data on a number of surveys. Would love to see the reaction on the analyst's face when he measures your responses against the whole. They are gonna stick out like a sore thumb!

My wife does this professionally for a state mental health agency. While she cannot and will not share the details, she has commented that sometimes there are answers that are so far outside the norm that she is quite sure the staff are allowing the patients to answer the surveys at night while the staff catch some zzzzzzz's.
Nope. They never give details. It may even be a blind test so I'll never know. But, we'll find out in a couple of weeks.

Well, you had better use a mild shaver then - maybe a Tech. If you haul out a dicey old Kampfe with a restored wedge, you might be lookin for trouble!! :lol:


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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I received a call from a market research firm today. It seems that one of my friends who likes to mock my shaving habit referred me to a company to do research on a shaving cream :laugh: Some of you are probably familiar with these things. You check out a product, give your feedback, and then they pay you. This one pays $50.

Of course, she went through qualifying questions to make sure I was in their demographic first, and they were quite funny. She asked what cream I used and I answered "Proraso", which was answered with a "Pro-what?"

She then asked if I used any "Higher end" creams like something from Macy's or Nordstrom's. I told her that I used creams that were higher-end than those, from England. Again, I got "Taylor of what?". I know she's not part of the shaving company so I don't mean to mock her, but the process was funny.

Anyways, I'll be picking the cream up on Jan. 13th and trying it for 2 weeks, then reporting back my findings to them. This oughta be fun. I'll post more when this happens.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Will they still pay you if it's so bad you have to stop using it before you get through the first pass?

I once did a shave test for a razor called "Winsoft" ... yeah, it sounds like something Bill Gates would have invented, and I told the researcher that, too.

The name's not important ... often, companies will put a fake name on their products while its in the R&D and Beta-testing stages.

They gave me 3 disposable razors (twin-blades, I think they were) and said they would call me in 2 weeks to see how I liked them.

But these razors were HORRIBLE ... I tried one, and didn't like it. It pulled and tugged at my whiskers. Just to be fair, I tried the second one, and it was no better. I refused to try the third.

When the company called me, I told them how bad the razors were ... and when I asked about being paid for the test, they said "Sorry, you had to try all three razors for us to pay you. That was what you agreed to. ((Click.))"
Well, I picked up the "product" a couple of days ago. No hint as to what company it is for. IT SUCKS. The only positive thing I have to say is that it smells nice. Kind of granola-y. Not like the Macca root, but more like a local European day spa kind of smell. I can never pinpoint what that is exactly, hehe.

It doesn't work with a brush - it just disappears. It doesn't make any lather, it's just a cream that sits on your face...and disappears by the time you finish the first side and move to the next. It's kind of difficult to rinse off, is not cushiony and not slick. I was afraid to go ATG on my third pass so I didn't. It also gunked up my razor a lot.

This is, obviously, not meant for use by trad. wetshavers. They are pushing the organic side of it, and for that it will probably sell to trendy people.

Oh well...stuck using it for the next 2 weeks if I want my 50 bucks. I was hoping this would be something exciting and new to pass along to you all, but alas...
Just waste a load of the cream down the sink and get your Proraso out. they're never going to know are they? i'm guessing it's not going to take you 2 weeks to draw a full conclusion.
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