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March 9th for Creed Vintage Tabarome

Yes, and they are using the price precedent set with Windsor. $405 for 1.7 ounces in their Creed leather atomizer. Atomizer is $160/juice is $245.
Is someone on B&B going to try to do a split? I might be interested in participating.

The price would be $8.10/ml + shipping. Pricey.

EDIT: That price includes the cost of the atomizer. So in order to do it more cheaply, I guess whoever does the split would have to be ok w/buying the atomizer. That would drop the price to $5/ml.
The price would be $8.10/ml + shipping. Pricey.

It depends on how you look at it I guess...pricey either way. They are forcing you to buy their $160 atomizer (which is resuable) to get 50ml of frag.

Frustrating, but if they've got a limited amount (which I do believe is the case), it makes sense to package it in their atomizers and make a little more profit. That's looking at from their side I realize.

This is the kind of frag that is not in high demand but some who have read about it's rep in places like this or Basenotes will likely snap some up. This isn't something that they're going to push on the tourists who stumble into the Creed Boutique in Manhattan.
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The price would be $8.10/ml + shipping. Pricey.

EDIT: That price includes the cost of the atomizer. So in order to do it more cheaply, I guess whoever does the split would have to be ok w/buying the atomizer. That would drop the price to $5/ml.

You are better off taking Sluggo up on his three ounce offer in the BST and splitting that.

I believe someone already did.

And that's why $8.10 / ml (or maybe a little less if the "leader" gives some credit for the atomizer) might not be as bad as it sounds!
Lucky guy, very tough fragrance to find. I never heard of it in that size until I read his post on BN. Enough juice to last a couple of lifetimes.
Another FYI, Creedboutique is now accepting pre-orders for Vintage Tabarome. Won't be shipped until March 9th.
Very attractive packaging. I have never sampled any Creed colognes. Anyone care to enlighten me what makes them special?
Not sure what you mean by "special" but Creed is probably the most successful "niche" perfumer as opposed to "designer" perfumers like Chanel, YSL, etc.

It's a very old family owned frag company- 1760 by their reckoning. Some people debate/argue whether they've really been true perfumers for all those years. They I guess dabbled in clothing and such as well for awhile. Started in England in 1760- moved to France in 1840s.

They make some classic frags enjoyed by many in here. GIT, Royal English Leather, Vintage Tabarome, Bois de Portugal, Millesime Imperiale and more. Many are reviewed in the "REVIEWS" section under "C" for Creed.

They distribute mostly through Nieman Marcus and Saks, and have just launched a Manhattan store and online boutique.

They are known for asserting that they use mostly/all natural ingredients. They used to name drop celeb users a lot, but have dialed that back a bit.

There are a lot of "Creed Haters" that think they are a lot of overblown hype, bullshyting their way into peoples wallets. That I can tell, they probably really raised their profile with men in the '80s with the introduction and success of Green Irish Tweed followed by Bois de Portugal.

Personally, I think they make some great frags. A lot of classics that past muster in here and in Basenotes. My sense in that their more recently introduced frags are a tad heavier on the synthetics. They are pricey.

But they get it right a lot of the time. They annoy some people lately by putting out some very well crafted limited edition frags, but charging a lot for them. This thread is about one of their old classics that they have basically discontinued. My guess is that they stopped making Vintage Tabarome years ago and the inventory has just recently been depleted to the point where they can call sell of the last of it a jacked up price.

They claim to have only 50 bottles of VT left, but many will figure this a fabrication, they're ripping people off, etc, etc.
They claim to have only 50 bottles of VT left, but many will figure this a fabrication, they're ripping people off, etc, etc.

it's actually interesting when you think about it. The Tabarome sale reminds me of the recent scandal about Ticketmaster basically reselling Springsteen tickets that they purchased from themself. Creed saw that the scarcity of Tabarome had boosted the price people were willing to pay so they created their own secondary market. Another business model to screw over the loyal customer.
My guess is that they stopped making Vintage Tabarome years ago and the inventory has just recently been depleted ...

While I think you may be right, I hope not. It would be a shame to loose a classic such as Tabarome and some of the others which have been discontinued.

it's actually interesting when you think about it. The Tabarome sale reminds me of the recent scandal about Ticketmaster basically reselling Springsteen tickets that they purchased from themself. Creed saw that the scarcity of Tabarome had boosted the price people were willing to pay so they created their own secondary market. Another business model to screw over the loyal customer.

+1. Easy profit rather than admitting and undoing a mistake - retiring most of the Private Collection line. Correct me if I am exaggerating, but this is demonstrative of less respect for their customers than, say, the average cell phone company has. Good thing I have all the Creed I need. Until it brings back Cuir de Russie at or near its pre-discontinued price, Creed has lost my business.
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What amazes me is that I would bet money there's still some out there. With the odd distribution network Creed has evolved over the years, some stores somewhere have dusty bottles of CdR and/or VT sitting in a back room I bet. Finding them is the trick.

Still kicking myself I didn't grab some of both back when Nieman had them. But I wasn't the fume head then that I am now. Call me paranoid, but I bet REL and RSL go down the same path.
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