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Manly Shave Cream/Soaps

Okay fellas, here's your inquiry for the day. I just did a review on the Omega shave soap in a tub, and though I really like the soap in general I'm finding the scent to be a bit of a turn off. It's not terrible, but I would describe it as something akin to a bar of white Dove soap. That's not terrible but I find shaving to be a manly endeavor and would really like to know what soaps and creams you guys find to have the manliest scents. I want to walk out of the bathroom after a shave and have my girl, or anyone for that matter, think "Wow, he smells clean, AND masculine" Also, and I fear that I may offend someone, but I would like something that doesn't smell "old." I'm only 23 and don't want to smell like my grandfather of even my father for that matter. I'm looking for, and I think others are too, something timeless that won't go out of fashion like colognes tend to do. Am I asking too much?
P.S. anyone looking for a great website should try a Google search for The Art of Manliness (not sure if I can direct link here), it has a great "find a barber interactive map!
Search the Cologne forum for a thread I started on masculine/feminine scents. It has some good discussion. What it comes down to is that what any given individual considers masculine/feminine is well, individual. There's a few scents that are traditionally associated with guys that may be a place to start. But you and your gf are going to have to try some different combos to find something you like that smells sufficiently manly to both of you. Some ones I might recommend (YMMV):

Bay rum--uh, bay rum (Ogalalla soaps)
Speick--herbal/medicinal (it's a good thing IMO) (cream or soap)
Irisch Moos--earthy, green "Irish Spring" scent without the Irish Spring stank (cream or soap)
Sandalwood--dry, woody, sometimes spicy (many choices of brands, soap or cream)
Godrej Deluxe (cream) smells very manly. Musky/spicey and fantastic lather with lanoliney goodness.

edit: also grafton (T&H) and ogallala products.
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Consider the Ogallala Bay Rum products (does it get any manlier than bay rum?)

They offer a variety of bay rum combination scents including:

traditional Bay Rum
Bay Rum & Sandalwood
Bay Rum, Sage & Cedar
Bay Rum, Limes & Peppercorns
Bay Rum & Lemongrass

These are top notch performers as well. Great service and they usually include plenty of samples with any order.

I've always thought of Nomad as one of my most "manly" scents, but I use the soap. I don't know if the fragrance differs in a cream. You may find it a little Grandfathery, but it's worth a sniff if there is a C&E near you.

I use soaps and creams, and my creams are usually on the lighter side (Coates Lime, C&E Sweet Almond Oil, Trumpers Rose). But I do have a tub of Truefitt & Hill Trafalgar, and a tube of their Grafton scent. They are different from each other, but both always seems clean, fresh, and what you might call manly. Trumper's G.F.T might be worth a try, and even Taylor's Eton College.

If testing in a shop isn't an option for you, by all means read the B&B reviews! I've made a number of decisions based solely on the opinions of the learned gentlemen assembled here. Fragrance is obviously a personal matter, but you can get a pretty good idea of what to expect from the consensus opinions on the boards. Good luck!
+1. Proraso smells like an old-time barbershop, where someone would give you some warm lather and use a straight.

T&H Grafton is excellent as well.

If you want old time barber shop look into the Acqua Di Parma shave cream.(My personal favorite of them all) . And don't let the high price throw you off, honestly a pea size will give you more than enough lather for 5-6 passes and you will still have a little chunk of it in the shave bowl so price per use is less than Truefitt & Hill.
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I dunno, but I used the Omega Shave Soap last night and I cant believe what this cheap no nonsense soap can deliver in terms of performance. My face felt like a million bucks afterwards.

I guess in terms of scent maybe rock it with a young guy kinda aftershave like lets say Aqua Velva Ice Sport :thumbup1:
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D.R. Harris Arlington, Sandalwood, or Marlborough should do the trick.
edit: whoops, they don't have a Sandalwood cream, I guess they only have that as aftershave.
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