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Male Leg Wet Shave? YEP


I have used the Wiki and all attached threads, but could not find an account of male leg shaving (maybe my 'search-fu' isn't up to snuff). I figured I could take a few minutes of my time to discuss this topic.

A brief background:
I have been wet shaving for 4-5 years, mostly Sundays with my straight. More recently a DE for ease of daily use. I have been shaving my legs for about 3 years now, started for cycling which led to triathlon... I have many acquisition disorders I think. I decided to start shaving my legs after a good fall on my bike, and picking gravel out of my leg with tweezers, there was more hair getting pulled than pieces that needed to come out.

The Plan:

OK, back on topic. Last night was my first DE shave on my legs. I am using a wilkinsons sword classic while I wait for my EJ DE89L. I hadn't shaved since my last race, so say about a month. I had plenty of hair growth to tame. I took a good hot shower as prep, and used a TBS synthetic brush with VDH Deluxe shave soap (I think cream would have been a better choice, but I am getting ahead of myself). I started with a fresh WS blade that came with the razor, and only did one ATG pass.

The shave:

I had decided to divide each leg into about 8 sections: the inside of my calf and around front, the outside of the calf, the back of the calf, my knee, and each 'side' of my thigh. After the first stroke, I could already tell it was going to be a better shave. Previously I had used whatever it was my wife would buy, which I believe was a Venus something or other (I will update after work). I let the weight of the razor do the work, and got a DFS without even trying. I managed to not nick myself at all :w00t:.

The knee was not nearly as bad as I had anticipated, I brought my foot to my backside and when the skin was tight I shaved away. This is the one spot I usually would nick myself with a cartridge, and avoided it. :)

Final Thoughts/Items of Note:
As I said before, I think that a cream or shave stick would have been ideal for this, but my soap performed much better than it does on my face. I would use a larger brush next time (SBAD kicking in) to cover a larger area. I also noticed that not only is the shave closer, but I didn't have to clear the blade of hair nearly as often. It also wasn't nearly as hard to clear the hair that did get caught out of the razor.

Overall a fantastic experience, and quicker/ on par shave time with a cartridge. I usually get ingrown hairs from a cart, and I can tell by the next morning how bad they will be. This morning after my shower all I noticed was a few spots that I had missed last night. Very, VERY mild irritation from my loofah. The best part is NO, that's right NO, ingrown hairs so far. :w00t::w00t:

I will post an update in a few days as to how things are 'coming in.'

Thank you for your time,
Ken P
Great post Ken!

I might use this if I ever choose to shave my legs myself.
While I don't shave my legs, I do my chest and sometimes arms, etc.

It's great your thread is still here - I tried to start one on other area shaving, aka "Manscaping", and it got deleted. It's a broad term tho.
Lots of girls or partners nowadays like a clean shaven man in more than just one area. You can even see TV ads for those micro-trimmers.

We also have professional swimmers who need to shave their legs, arms, etc., for competition and I'm sure they have problems too with cuts and nicks.
(Note to Mods: I would suggest B&B create a separate area for this if there is any problem...)
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Well, I'll come out too. I've been shaving my legs since I took cycling seriously 10+ years ago. Back then it was the thing to do, now It is just routine. I've incorporated wet shaving my legs in the last few months and it has been a great experience. Way better than cartridge razors. Believe it or not I've used straight razors (Weck Sextoblade) on my legs with great results at the beginning...Well, other than a kind of nasty cut in my calf, then switch to DE. Anyway, I too use Wilkinson blades, and as you, I find that the soap does a better job. I use Williams.

Congrats on the blood free shave. I always manage to nick myself, but that is mostly due to me hurrying through the second leg. I have bee using the super cheapo $2 razor from Amazon, and it has been giving me the best results. I think it has to do with the weight of the handle. And ingrown hair has been almost non existence.

Hey, we should make one of those "exclusive" groups just for guys leg shavers. Maybe the League Of Southern Shavers (LOSS) or something like that :lol:...Nah!
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