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Lucky Tiger

Lucky Tiger makes two aftershave creams that I was wondering if anybody has any experience with and what the differences are. They are 'Disappearing Menthol Cream' and 'Menthol Mint Vanishing Cream'. I have been using Lucky Tiger Molle and really like it so I was going to try one of their aftershaves. Thanks.
I've been using the Lucky Tiger Disappearing Cream for seven+ years. I shave with a Merkur safety razor, lather up with a badger brush and glycerin soap. After rinsing my face off with cold water, then drying it, I put a small amount (1/2 a dime or tip of one finger) and rub it into the areas I shaved on my face. A little goes a long way! It's instantly cooling, rubs in nicely, and softens my skin like no other product I've tried. I follow it up in a few minutes with a splash of Old Spice. Since I began using it, after an old cheap barber in South Dakota turned me onto it, I've never looked back. I should also point out that I've shaved 5 days a week, every week of the last 7 years and have only gone through 3 or 4 tubs of it. You can't beat it. I love it!
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