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Lucky Ebay Lot

I won this lot of three razors last week on Ebay, mostly because I have wanted to add a Slim to my collection. It was $20.50 plus $3.50 for shipping.


The Slim is in great shape other than some brassing in the groves of the handle of all places. It cleaned up pretty nice all in all with a shiny head that buffed to a mirror like finish. Mechanically it works I figured the other two razors would be give-aways...but I could not be more wrong.

The Flare Tip happens to be my birth date year. I already have a Super Speed with that same year so I guess I can keep one in my travel kit, or maybe used it to do side by side blade comparisons.

But the older Super Speed had a surprise in store for me. I already had one pre-1951 Super Speed. But this one is a little different. It does not have the little notch in the bar on the later models. It is a 1947 Super Speed, the first year the Super Speed was made. It shows a little use, but is looking great after clean up.

So it looks like I have found three diamonds!!!
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