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lubricate Merkur Progress?

I'm sure someone, somewhere, has asked this question elsewhere in the Forum, but I wasn't able to locate where. My question is about an eight-year old Merkur Progress. I'm wondering if anyone has successfully lubricated the adjustable mechanism, and if so, what did they use? I'm thinking of a dab or two of 3 in 1 oil.

Thanks for any advice.
How waterproof is 3 in 1 oil?

I would put a tiny dab of waterproof grease on any accessible threaded part maybe once a year, and lubricate nothing else with anything. I think we sometimes overanalyse our shaving lives, and our shaving equipment. Ninety-nine percent of razors have never been lubricated, and some of them are 75 to 100 years old. What might that tell us?[/SIZE]
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I recall Mer explaining that he did something with the Progress when he converts it to a Mergress. He applies a little something. . .but what?

And does he do it with every conversion?

You're welcome, by the way. This information was really quite helpful.
The box in which your Merkur Progres came has instructions printed on the insert that holds the razor in the box, but I have my own bit to add. The instructions read as follows: "Clean the razor parts with EVERY blade exchange under warm water with a soft nail brush. Slightly lubricate the mechanical parts of adjustable razors regularly." I clean my Merkur Progress regularly with very warm water and liquid hand soap. Every so many months, I soak the razor parts in mineral oil which is messy, but at least mineral oil is non-toxic as it is taken internally as a laxative. I wash off the excess with water and liquid hand soap. However, I have found that a sticky and noisy adjustment mechanism is caused primarily by the tabs on the spring loaded block, tabs which move downward into slots when the adjustment knob is turned clockwise. These are the tabs, one of which has a triangle symbol on it to align with the hash mark on one side of the razor top for proper calibration. I lubricate those tabs and slots with a bit of Tri-Flow on a Q-tip, and the adjustment mechanism on my Merkur Progress razors is always smooth as silk, with no noise or sticking.
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Dovo Sterol is specifically designed for razors, since it is safe if you get it on the skin. I also like it because it is has no funky chemical smell. The trickier part is where to find it. I used to get it from Classic Shaving, but they now carry what appears to be a clone of it.
I regularly put a few drops of mineral oil down the middle hole using an eye dropper. I do it for all my adjustables. It was recommended to me here on B&B. acbulgin--where exactly do you put the oil?
The Progress has a very simple adjustment mechanism. Is it the blade bed moving up and down that is the trouble, or is it the retainer spring on the adjustment barrel that's sticking or squeaking? I had a Progress, and the retainer spring would rub on the inside of the handle making it harder to turn. I used a little petroleum jelly on the retainer spring and it worked great.
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