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Lovin' the lash of "The Cat"

Greetings all,

Today I felt the "lash" of the Cat....:a53:

Thanks to an anonymous (I'll protect his confidentiality) member I was forwarded bottles of Captain's Choice Bay Rum and Cat o' Nine Tails recently but not till today had I properly been "lashed" by the Cat.

It's seriously good juice, with a predominantly Bay rather than Clove scent but...boy! Does it sting/burn...:bayrum2: in a GOOD way though. Three hours post-shave and I can still get a hint of that nice, dark Bay hovering around...and my skin feels smooth and soft.

Who else has endured the Cat...and enjoyed it?
Been enjoying it for a couple of weeks. Not feeling the burn though. Tried CC Lime today and got more burn than from Co9T. Maybe my shaves have been too smooth. Captain's Choice will be a favourite and at a reasonable price.
I'm a huge fan of the Cat. I also had a sample sent to me and loved it. As soon as my sabbatical is over, I will be getting a full bottle.
To give today's shave some context I had a Feather loaded in a wide open Slim; after a long time with Super Iridiums I'd forgotten how sharp the Feathers were. No irritation post shave but the Co9T certainly stung...
Trying to have some restraint these days so I'm using up my other two bay rums (Captain's Choice and VIBR) before pulling the trigger on a bottle of the Co9T, but it is squarely in my sights for my next bottle.
Got the sampler from the Captain last week, and it came in yesterday. So I tried the Cat for the first time this morning, and enjoyed the burn...not nearly as bad as I had worked it up to be in my head before putting it on. I was expecting to yelp and set the dogs to howling when I splashed it on. I'm still not sure about the scent. From what OP said, maybe I like the clove-y bay rums better.
As with all of the Captain's offerings, I enjoy the heat of CO9T. To me, it doesn't quite burn like the traditional CC, it's more like a heat lamp for my face. The scent is much deeper and darker than CC and does tend to hang around much like The original CC. I honestly don't end any shave without a splash of BR. Love that stuff.
I used Co9T yesterday and enjoyed it. The scent is even better on the skin than in the bottle!

The burn wasn't as fierce as I imagined, it was just nice and warm. :)
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