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Love Skin Bracer,but HATE the bottle.

Skin Bracer is currently my favorite aftershave right now.It's got a nice toning and cooling effect and fades to a mild manly scent.My only gripe is the stupid large opening in the current plastic bottle it comes in.I tried the whole thumb over the hole trick and still comes out fast and pours out more than I really want or need.This is an issue with modern Aqua Velva bottles as well.This being said,I see alot of vintage decanter Skin Bracer bottles on ebay.Now,do these bottles have stoppers on them instead of the large hole on the current plastic bottles?I also have some old Avon bottles I may decant the Skin Bracer in as well.
The old glass skin bracer bottles I have have the reducer built into the neck. I believe it is smaller than the opening I the current plastic bottle, but not as small as the Avon spouts.
I have both a large and small glass Aqua Velva bottle that I use to decant aftershave via a small funnel I picked up at a kitchen supply, works great, the glass spout seems to be just the right size for splashing out the right amount of product.
I don't know about vintage Skin Bracer bottles.... nor have I ever actually tried Skin Bracer..... but I hate.... I mean absolutely hate plastic aftershave and cologne bottles. My solution is to use old Floid bottles and decant the cheap stuff like AV, Skin Bracer, Thayer's witch hazel, maybe some of the Alcolado Glacial (the Penguin).... that come in the cheap plastic bottles. Ever since Floid went to the sticker labels, this is very easy (they're labels used to be screened on). I've gone through a couple bottles of Floid Hair Tonic. One I decanted AV into and the other was Thayer's Lavender witch hazel. The labels transfer relatively easy by using near boiling water to heat up the glue on the label of the original plastic bottle and restick them on the glass bottle. Maybe Skin Bracer will be my next one. I should probably try it first though to see if I would even like to have 400ml worth in a bottle.

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