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Lost my best friend yesterday.

I lost my best friend yesterday. Sam, my golden retriever, was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer last month and he passed away yesterday.

I adopted Sam eight years ago from a rescue group that was reluctant to give him to me because he had "problems bonding with men." Sam had been returned to the shelter twice because he didn't want anything to do with with the male owner. Well, Sam came over to me at the meeting site, licked my hand, and we were best friends from then on. He followed me everywhere. He wanted to be with me no matter where I was.

Sam was a happy dog. He always had a smile on this face except when he was sleeping. He was super obedient. He didn't need to be a on a leash on walks because he was never more than a few steps away. He was always the first of my dogs to come home when called. He was always the first to greet me at the door.

My world will never be quite as bright as it was when Sam was a part of it.
I am so sorry for your loss, my prayers are with you and Sam. I lost my best friend, she passed away October 10, 2009 I am still not over it. Once again sorry for your loss.
I am very sorry and I feel for you. I have had to put down two Golden Retrievers in my short life. They are the best friend a person can have. It would be a blatant lie to tell you that you will get over it, but I hope one day you again adopt another who won't necessarily replace Sam, but become your new best friend. Again, very sorry.

You saved Sam, and were blessed that you had 8 years with him. Cherish the fact that you had that time with him, it was a gift.

I am sure you are both better for it.

God bless both of you.
Condolences :crying:

Our 10 year old dog was diagnosed with diabetes a couple of years ago. Since then treatment has been injections three times a day.

Last week we were woken by our other dog barking at 3:36am and it turned out our diabetic dog was having hypoglaecmic convulsions.

Not the nicest thing out for the kids to see, she's right now and we're trying to rejig her medication again, but that really brought home how much she really means to the whole family.

May Sam rest in peace.
Jim, I am very sorry about your loss. I know how close a pet can become to people. They are truly friends and family members.

So sorry to hear about your loss, Jim. I lost my 12 year old mini schnauzer last year and it was one of the hardest moments of my life. Prayers for you.

My heart goes out to you Jim, we had to put down our 14 yo Basset Hound 3 years ago this May. Cried like a baby and I still miss him.

Antique Hoosier

Sad to hear for sure. Dogs provide us so much love and loyalty. Thanks for sharing with us your loss because now many people the world over will have you and your family, as well as your departed friend in our prayers.
Sorry for your loss. I lost my boxer last year (10 years old). My children took it so hard. Dogs are truly man's best friend. Loyal, loving, protective, and they love us unconditionally (not like humans). We now have a german shepherd (turned one in Feb.- 95 lbs). I still miss Bruno- but life goes on. Hope you have fond memories to cherish forever.
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