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Lord L6 vs De89

I was considering selling my DE89lbl for a Lord L6. Any thoughts on how each razor performs comparatively? FYI I love my 40's style SuperSpeed more than my DE8 with derby or astra blades alike.
You might want to get the Lord before you make any decisions about your other razor, then sell one or the other or keep them both :001_smile
Performance is similar but the finish of Edwin Jagger is very much superior. You feel that EJ can last for more than a century. If Lord lasts a few years will be enough.
You can pick up a L6 for less than $20. I'd suggest for you to keep the DE89, since the L6 is such a small investment.
Both are mild razors but they don't shave identical. I like both but some blades that are great in one are only average in the other. For looks the EJ is miles better but for the shave I slightly prefer the Lord with most blades. But I would not consider selling my Mühle/EJ's.
Just tried my Lord today and wow, what a awesome shave it is... it feels so dif from anything i have tried... feels agressive but is mild... Never tried the de89... Is it more agressive then Lord...???
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