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Looking for the best Trac II carts


I recently picked up a nice Trac II/Super II handle, and I wanted to find the best possible carts to put on it. The Super II was my very first razor, and I haven't used one for more than 25 years, I'll bet. I made a real mistake when I bought some personna carts for Atra, awhile back, and I don't want to repeat that experience. Advice appreciated.

-- Chet
More than likely the best cartridges are going to be Gillettes. I've had an ongoing project where I've tried most every cheap disposable (i'm talking $1 for 10 razors at the dollar store or $2 for 10-12 at walmart) and also cheap cartridges (from walmart) and not any of them gives anywhere as close a shave as my L6 with a derby blade.
The Wilkinson carts at WalMart are just as good as the Gillette carts. They are $3.50 for 10 of them.
My local Walmart had a pack of ten for $3.84, the first time I've seen those in there. They are labelled as being for both TracII and for Atra.

If I am feeling enterprising, I'll dig out one of the other Atra handles I found when I was rounding up the shaving gear that hadn't been used much for 19 years before last Deember, and put one each of the FXes and the Wilkie in two handles, then shave with both, one on the left, one on the right the first time, then reverse. I have to do that because I'm not ambidetrous in any meanigful degree, and I have one eye that has a major retina scar, so depth perception is out of whack, I just end up with slightly better results on my good eye's side, than the other side.
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My wife likes the walmart wilkie carts, i tried them, they are comfortable and smooth, but do not shave as close as a DE for me!
Today I bought some Dollar General atra carts (by dorco) 6 for $1.50, I'll report in after I try one.
Well, poked around on the Walmart site to see what they wanted for the gillette-branded cart, and they had it for 16 bucks for 10 -- aargh, too steep. Then I went to ebay and found the same blades for six bucks less, shipping included. I'm off to the races! Being that I've got a soft spot for the vintage blades, I picked up ten of the old Super][ carts, for 15 bucks. It'll be a great revisit of the Trac][/Super][. Looking forward to it, and finding comparison with the Wilkinson Bonded excursion I took a few weeks ago.

Thanks for the pointers, folks!
-- Chet
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