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Looking for suggestions on my first straight razor

Haven't tried a straight razor yet. I want to get a Dovo, but not sure what model would be good. I also need suggestions on a care kit (strop, pastes, hone etc.).

I'm new to this forum and will also take a look through the other threads to see what I can find out.


A well regarded New DOVO is the Silver Steel in faux tortoiseshell, it's about the best 'bang' for your buck in their catalogue. I'd suggest purchasing it from one of the online vendors who guarantee their razors to be shave ready. As it's one less thing to worry about.
What you also need is a decent quality strop. Look around, there's a few Strop-makers known on the boards, Most of them are well known and reccommended.
Finally, all you need is a decent brush, either boar or badger, and soap, whether it be a puck or cream.
The rest are Luxuries, don't worry about getting a hone or pastes or anything like that, unless you feel that you need it in six to seven months time, it's far easier for a new user to send their razor out to be honed every now and then rather then attempting to achieve something that is a skill above and beyond the straight shaving trick
Apart from all that, All that is required is a sense of Adventure, a touch of derring do and boldness, and above all, a measure of respect. Welcome to B&B, enjoy yourself, Don't stress too much about getting a BBS shave on your first effort, and above all, Don't Worry too much about Developing SRAD, There's no shame in it
I'd say 90%+ of folks will tell you to start with the Filly strop from ruprazor. It's $20 shipped (in the US)... which is about what you'd pay for a zeepk on eBay (zeepk's is the cheapest strop imaginable).

I'd advise you to also pick up a decent refreshing hone. Open_Razor sells the China 12k lapped for less than you're going to find anything else suitable. (There are barber hones that will fulfil the same role, but buying one lapped puts it well above the cost of the 12k).

This is a good starting point that will serve you fine until you decide you want to invest more.
Thanks for the replies.

Honing is the part that I'm worried about. I don't want to screw up the blade. Sending it away occasionally would work.

I already use a pure badger brush, shave cream (squeezable) and a safety razor.

I'm in Canada, so I will likely order from a Canadian site, although I will compare prices before I finally buy.
Hi Kayaker!!
Look at Fendrihans (if you have not already), I imagine shipping will be fairly fast as they are in Ontario, good service too. Scott at Rasage Poulin is a great guy too if you have questions.
And welcome to another forum for another slope

This is the only SR that I can find at Fen's under $200, in stock and pre-sharpened. What are the pros and cons vs a SS blade?
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if you are not completely hung up on the Dovo, there are a few under $200 from Rasage (Thiers-Issard blades), and Scott has a guy in Calgary that could hone it for you as well (are you still in Edmonton, or back out east again?)
I'm back in Alberta for a while.

Not sure why I'm hung up on the Dovo. It is a decent brand isn't it?

Is there an issue with the silver steel vs stainless?

I'm working my way through the interactive guide for more info.
Dovo is a good brand (from what I have heard, lol, I am still learning a lot myself), I have heard that the TI are up there in the same range. I do not know the difference myself between the steels, so I cannot help you there.

If you are going to be down in Calgary you should stop in to see Scott at Rasage (email him for an appointment) and you could see the razors first hand. And of course, all the other products that you did not know you needed, lol.

(just got around to looking at the razor and she is a beauty. The silver steel is a carbon steel, and there are discussions aplenty on here regarding carbon versus stainless, the interactive guide part 5-5 covers it, but in the end it will be a personal choice)
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This is the only SR that I can find at Fen's under $200, in stock and pre-sharpened. What are the pros and cons vs a SS blade?

Stainless steel has a high nickel content, it is a lot 'harder' to hone, the plus side, is that it doesn't stain quite as badly as high carbon steels like the Silver Steel razors can and apparently has a longer lasting edge. on the plus side for the silver steel, is that it's a lot easier to get in a shave ready condition, I've the same model dovo, and find it quite a nice handling razor, it shaves my face quite readily, and I believe it to be almost as good as my vintage Bengall.
A well regarded New DOVO is the Silver Steel in faux tortoiseshell, it's about the best 'bang' for your buck in their catalogue. I'd suggest purchasing it from one of the online vendors who guarantee their razors to be shave ready. As it's one less thing to worry about.
What you also need is a decent quality strop. Look around, there's a few Strop-makers known on the boards, Most of them are well known and reccommended.
Finally, all you need is a decent brush, either boar or badger, and soap, whether it be a puck or cream.
The rest are Luxuries, don't worry about getting a hone or pastes or anything like that, unless you feel that you need it in six to seven months time, it's far easier for a new user to send their razor out to be honed every now and then rather then attempting to achieve something that is a skill above and beyond the straight shaving trick
Apart from all that, All that is required is a sense of Adventure, a touch of derring do and boldness, and above all, a measure of respect. Welcome to B&B, enjoy yourself, Don't stress too much about getting a BBS shave on your first effort, and above all, Don't Worry too much about Developing SRAD, There's no shame in it
+1 to LaughingatFate. I have that Dovo and it is a great shaver and holds an edge very well.
why do you want a dovo?

get a vintage one in the BST.

When people say 'they dont make em' like they used to' they really mean it.
+1 to mdunn. The new Dovos and TIs are all decent shavers, but when you compare them on "bang for the buck" to vintage razors, they can't even come close.

Look at the B/S/T, or you can check out some vendors who restore and sell vintage razors like www.vintagebladesllc.com and www.bobsrazors.com. Bob Keyes (the second vendor) will have absolute top quality, top of the line German blades for $50, $60 or $70 that are comparable if not better than a new Dovo costing two or three times as much.

Of course, the fun part about SR shaving is picking out your own tools, so if you're in love with Dovo for a particular reason, then go for it. But I'd keep an open mind about the vintage blades out there too!
Haven't tried a straight razor yet. I want to get a Dovo, but not sure what model would be good. I also need suggestions on a care kit (strop, pastes, hone etc.).

I'm new to this forum and will also take a look through the other threads to see what I can find out.


Ian - have you considered Parker SR1. Very inexpensive. Can chose your edge from any standard DE blade. Got mine from Amazon short while ago and very happy with it. Good balance. Got great shave w/ SHARK blades. Now trying Feather's.

Good luck.
wow, bobs's site is great. I wish i knew about this earlier. Does he have a schedule of posting new razors every couple weeks or so? just wondering because i am looking for a razor in his price range but just like the look of wood scales over just about anything else i have seen. Or perhaps there is someone on the forum that could put wood scales on such a razor?


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
+1 on BST, a second-hand razor (shave ready) is the best deal you will find.

And while you learn, you will need a strop.

Did you use any shaving brush, shaving soaps, aftershaves?
Hey Kayaker, if you do need a strop, drop me a line, I can hook you up with one as a practice strop (I have made a few recently and do not need 4, lol)
Wow. Lots of responses here. Thanks for all the input.

I ordered the Dovo Silver Steel razor above. Had my first shave with it today. Went well overall. One minor nick.

Pics show my razor and before and after shots.

I have been using shave cream and a pure badger brush for a year or so.
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