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Looking for something better

Very glad that I've found this forum. I've been interested in making the switch for a while and based on some things I've read here I feel confident I can make the switch from this:


to this:


and maybe eventually even this:


without ending up feeling that I'm using this:


I'll keep you posted on how things go / progress but wanted to give a big THANKS to this forum, and for the wealth of detailed information for the novice and veteran wet shaver alike!
Welcome!! Make sure to check out the newbies sub-forum for some really fantastic advice. Enjoy the site and use it to its fullest extent.
Thanks guys. I've yet to take my first wet shave as I am awaiting the arrival of my Merkur 38C and Red Personnas but very much looking forward to the road ahead and gaining some enjoyment from my morning routine. I'll post more once I've had my first shave. Going to practice making foam with my brush and Kyle's pre-shave technique / ritual for a week with my final week using a Fusion. Once I get my technique up to where I feel comfortable trying other products I'll likely give TABAC and TOBS Avocado a whirl. But to start I'll give my English Fern a solid two months of use / practice.
welcome aboard and good choice

i got the red handled 38C and the red personnas and have loved learning with them.

i'm only a month into this game, but enjoy my shaves more than i ever thought possible.

it's a great forum - a lot of friendly, helpful advice.

good luck :thumbup1:
welcome aboard. i've been at this since about september and i have no complaints. everyone here has all kinds of advice and recommendations. taking your time is key. me, i began by using the cream only. i continued using my cartridge until i had more or less perfected my ability to make a lather. the cartridge and the cream alone made a world of difference. it felt like i was shaving butter instead of a face.
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