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Looking for my first almond soap

After buying my grandfather a TOBS almond cream for Christmas I really like the scent. I'd like to have it in a soap though. I was thinking of buying the D.R. Harris almond soap in a mahogany bowl $30 as I like their Arlington. Or, I thought of getting a Col Conk almond puck and a new mug. They would probably end up costing the same, I have my eye on one of the vintage Old Spice mugs for about $20 and the big soap for about $5.

I am using a puck of D R H Almond soap at the moment and it is wonderful stuff. The scent is "Eau de Quinine" or almond flower which is very different from many of the other "almond" scented products available.
D R H?

There are plenty to choose from.

+1 Took long enough :lol:

My DR Harris Almond stick had no scent at all, so I transferred it to a tin. Still no scent that I can detect, but my son-in-law says he gets a very faint quinine smell. It's next on my soaps to use up this year and it won't be refilled. I also have pucks of the other 4 DRH soaps. Performance is the same, but scents (and strength of scents) vary.
I like the DRH almond. It gets mixed reviews here but I find the scent pleasant a strong performance wise.

Oh, and I like Cella too!
I want to get some Cella.
#1 Cella and TOBS
And, add VITOS Sapone da Barba Extra Super Shave Soap - All'Olio di Cocco (Vitos Extra Super with Coconut Oil. Almond scent)
I tried a sample of this, couldn't really make it work for me. I had the version without the coconut oil since they were out of that so maybe that's the problem. Just wouldn't lather as nicely as I hoped.
Thanks for the suggestions fellas. Unfortunately the Cella is out of stock on WCS, I haven't seen it in stores. Great price though.


Needs milk and a bidet!
if you are looking to support a vendor bullgooseshaving.com has it for $11.50 in the red tub. amazon as well.
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