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Looking for first Adjustable DE Razor

Hi, I'm new to DE shaving and have been using a Merkur HD and an EJ razor. I'm enjoying both but they are a little different in agressiveness. I was thinking that maybe it's time to try an adjustable razor. Should I try a vintage model out or something new? Thanks!
I've had good luck with a fatboy I picked up....have not tried a slim.

I have tried a Futur but it spends a lot of time in the closet. A bit agressive for me I think.......maybe I should find it a good home.
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I have a 1963 Slim, had a Fatboy. Fatboy is great with the exception of getting under the shnozz.

I just got a 70's Slim Adjustable Black Beauty - highly recommended!!!!
The Merkur Futur is an awesome shaver. It is built like a tank, and I much prefer it to the Slim I had for a few months. And as a bonus, you can throw any blade in it and it gives a great shave. At least, I haven't found a blade yet that doesn't shine in the Futur.

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I really like my slim, the fatboy is great, but the slim can be found alot cheaper. You should be able to find one under $20, even less if your picky about it.
I just recently picked up my first adjustable, a fatboy. I love the shave that I get with it.

I found it at an antique shop and got it for $5. In great shape.

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