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Looking for a Scrubby brush. Recommendations?


I made the error of parting with a large number of Rooney Finest brushes last year, and I'm looking for some replacements. Well, at least one.

Has anyone tried a brush recently that has tons of backbone with plenty of scrub? I have heard the new Simpson's Manchurian has much less scrub than the initial batches. Lee at Vintageblades says on his site that the new Rooney Heritage is closer to the Finest than the old gel-like tips on previous batches, but I'm not all that convinced.

I've tried Simpson's 2-band and Shavemac D01 2-band, and neither has exactly what I'm looking for

Nick, are you looking for more or less scritch than the D01 2 band?

More. I should have just written I'm looking for a substitute for Rooney Finest

To help understand what youare looking for, what did you not like about the Simpson's two band and the D01.

Both of those 2-bands are nice, don't get me wrong. They have some scrub but I would like a little more Scritch. With the Shavemac D01, a brush with a short loft increases the scritch some, but I've founds the Simpson's 2-band is not dense enough or scrubby enough for what I'm looking for.
I find my vie-long and semogue two bands scritchier than my D01 or Simpson's two bands, with the Vie-long the scritchier of the two.
I find my vie-long and semogue two bands scritchier than my D01 or Simpson's two bands, with the Vie-long the scritchier of the two.

I have a Semogue 2011 LE 2-Band Size 1 that is quite scrubby with some scritch. Which Vie Long do you have, and how is the density and backbone?
Sorry for not knowing off top of my head, I'm sitting in the airport right now. It's the two tone dark red/whitish acrylic handle. Back bone is not bad........ More than a TGN XH two band but less than the D01 or Semogue.
I love my Simpson Eagle G2, wonderful scritch and reasonably priced. I think pure scares away too many people


No tattoo mistakes!
Hey Nick,

I have a recent Rooney 2XL with a fan-shaped knot that's definitely scrubbier than the "gel-like" tipped ones. My face is pretty sensitive to scritch, so I experience with brushes where others don't.

I haven't tried a Shavemac yet, so can't speak to them, but I'd be surprised to find anything currently being offered as new that's closely comparable to the Old Rooney Finest. Lee's new M&Fs labeled Finest are very nice (I own two and have tried a third), but they arent' the same. On the other hand, I personally think they come closer than the Semogue 2011 LE Size 1. As between the 2011 LE S1 and my recent Rooney 2XL, the Semoque feels a little stiffer to me and the Rooney a little softer in the tips, but some of that is probably attributable to the Semogue's bulb shape vs. the Rooney's fan, which distributes pressure across a broader area.

The 2XL is just a little too scrubby for my taste. I'd expect you to like it. I have an early T3 in Manchurian (darker tips than the newer ones, I think). It's one of my favorite brushes. I think it's less scrubby/scritchy than the 2XL, which is a little more dense than my T3. The T3 hits a sweet spot for me -- nice scrub, no scritch. When I experience scritch, I almost always end up with sub-optimal shaves. I suspect that is a consequence of the condition of my skin. I almost always feel some scritch with Old Rooney Finest knots.
I've never used the Semogue 2011 LE but have been looking for a used one forever (if anyone's looking to sell :))

.... but I gotta say I think the Semogue SOC 2-band might fit the bill..... it's soft, but very scrubby in a good way.... Plus the price is right and the size is great middle ground.
+1 on a Semogue 2011 LE 2-Band Size 2. IMO it has a decent aount of scritch. Nick, it's currently still available at Fendrihan and theportugalonlineshop.
"The Monarch" premium silvertip brush. I have one on order.



"Another creation of the WSP brand, this time using their premium silvertip hair instead of the superfine 2 band or the High Mountain White badger hair and the same handle than the Monarch series, the Kent BK4 style. Actually this brush is what many of us will like the Kent BK4 to be, with the right amount of backbone and flow (the BK4 is very soft, on the floppy side brush for me) so it can be used perfectly fine with both triple milled soaps and shaving creams."

"The Prince in silvertip, is more of a face lathering brush. Its behaviour is very similar to the Rooney 1/1 in silvertip, due to the hair density of the knot, its measures, soft tips, right amount of flow and backbone, so if you already have tried a Rooney 1/1 you know what Im talking about."
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