Ok, looking for an alcohol splash, the scent must be fresh and classy. Nothing old mannish and too drugstore (cheap) like. Also I tend to stick torwards products that use simple ingredients, so if it's a more "natural" product I'm all for it.
Natural ingredients (I think), good skin healing properties, wonderful scent when applied (not it matters...the scent's staying power could be measured in seconds).
You should consider one of the SCS aftershave splashes. Mediterranean Citrus is one that I have and really like. There is nothing old mannish about the scent and it it has a nice menthol kick.
All of these are good choices. I'd also add Harris Pink to the list & any other of Sue's (SCS's) splashes (altho that Mediterranean Citrus is a good one).
The Proraso balm is really nice and was also my first AS after trouncing through the B&B.
however, after a lot of trial and error a good splash has become the desert treat of my shave, one of my favorite parts; i hope you don't forgo it forever!