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Long time no see, few questions

Long time no see B&B...

I have a few questions I'd like to ask, that I'm sure have been asked before. However with all the traffic the site sees search isn't really helpful. The first question is I use an Art of Shaving Pure Badger brush, the black one before they changed the handle with the 22mm knot I believe. I'm wondering if moving up to a Vulfix or Rooney best badger would give any performance gains? I hear that the difference between pure and best are nil but I also hear that the AoS brushes are quite lousy.

Also, shaving bowls, when I first started coming to B&B I was having troubles finding one. Everything at Target, Wal-Mart, Meijer, you name it was either too small, too big, or too deep. Where can I go to get a bowl these days that's good for shaving that isn't 39.99USD because it says "Shaving" in the name?

Last, and least, I highly doubt I will end up using my DE's again. If anyone remembers I sort of settled on using a brush, and soap, but reverted back to the pivot cartridge razors but if I did what setting on the Slims do you think is between a Tech, and a Merkur HD?
I got a very nice mug that was marked down to $2.99 at Home Goods. It is a fairly large, flat mug but it works great for me. I saw the identical mug at Pier 1 for $9.99 and a smaller one on a shaving web site for just under $30.

The Slim adjustable setting is probably between 2 and 2+.

I can't comment on the AOS brushes - but I have a TH silvertip that was made by Rooney and it is fantastic.
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I disagree with the Slim answer given above. I'd say a 3 or maybe 4 would be what you'd be looking for. A Slim on 2 is about like a Tech for me (the Wiki might say otherwise, but that's the way it seems).
Partial quote:

Long time no see B&B...

Last, and least, I highly doubt I will end up using my DE's again. If anyone remembers I sort of settled on using a brush, and soap, but reverted back to the pivot cartridge razors but if I did what setting on the Slims do you think is between a Tech, and a Merkur HD?

Contrary to what you may read from some members on this bulletin board, there is no shame in using a cartridge razor. As a proud and happy Mach 3 user, I am prepared to suffer the "slings and arrows" of outraged B&B posters. Using a brush and soap (with good technique) is 75 percent of what makes for a good shaving experience, IMHO. Knowing how to shave properly, regardless of what type of razor you use, is the other 25 percent.

Welcome back. I hope you enjoy your shaves.
Contrary to what you may read from some members on this bulletin board, there is no shame in using a cartridge razor. As a proud and happy Mach 3 user, I am prepared to suffer the "slings and arrows" of outraged B&B posters. Using a brush and soap (with good technique) is 75 percent of what makes for a good shaving experience, IMHO. Knowing how to shave properly, regardless of what type of razor you use, is the other 25 percent.

Welcome back. I hope you enjoy your shaves.


There is no shame in using a Trac II, Atra, or Sensor. All really wonderful double blade cartridge razors.

Heck if you can get pass the goo issue, the Schick Hydro is also a very good cartridge razor.

I, however, think that a 5 blades razor is 3 blades too many. 5 blades is un-necessary, and pure silliness. :biggrin1:
Using a brush and soap (with good technique) is 75 percent of what makes for a good shaving experience, IMHO. Knowing how to shave properly, regardless of what type of razor you use, is the other 25 percent.

Reverse those percentages for straight razor shaving!
First of all....welcome back... Implement of choice should be whatever floats your boat, and makes you the happiest.

Now as for your 2 other questions. I use a corelle cereal bowl form Walmart, $1, $1.5, or $2...I don't remember. Nice and wide, and low sides... no brush clinking.

The AOS brush... I was gifted a brush almost exactly what you describe.... In a simple word YES. IMHO

I have never had a Vulfix brush (can't wait for my eagle)but there is no comparison in the AOS and my Rooney, Kents, even my TGN restored Century
First of all....welcome back... Implement of choice should be whatever floats your boat, and makes you the happiest.

Now as for your 2 other questions. I use a corelle cereal bowl form Walmart, $1, $1.5, or $2...I don't remember. Nice and wide, and low sides... no brush clinking.

The AOS brush... I was gifted a brush almost exactly what you describe.... In a simple word YES. IMHO

I have never had a Vulfix brush (can't wait for my eagle)but there is no comparison in the AOS and my Rooney, Kents, even my TGN restored Century

Thank you for the bowl tip, it paid off! I had given up searching at Wal-Mart many months ago when this line didn't exist. I was using one of those MASSIVE Homestead line bowls they have there that are really big and come in various colors. Checked again today and they had that small Corelle bowl that was absolutely the right size finally a nice shaving bowl :thumbup:
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