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L'Occitane Cade SS

+1 for all the good reviews of the L'Occitane SS. I just had a very nice shave with the stuff. I followed it up with the Cade ASB and while the ASB is pricey, it does a really good job, especially on a cold winter night. I felt like I was in a winter lodge with a burning fireplace and snow falling outside. Highly recommended!
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It really is too bad L'Occitane doesn't stock the soaps here in Singapore, would have loved to try it out. This and the fact that the splash has been discontinued makes me sad that I did not get into wet-shaving earlier :crying:
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berukblue, I will be happy to send some Cade SS your way. Let me know if you want me to grab a puck for you the next time I am there.
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