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Link to the Money Mag article featuring mantic

They pushed the money saving angle. :lol::lol::lol:

Oh, and you can easily spend less than $30 per year on blades. Then spend hundreds on various ADs.
Agreed. Short, nothing on brushes and lather.
The only thing of interest to me was the link to mantic’s blog.
Thanks for the link to that article. Although it was small, at least it got the idea of using a DE out to people who didn't know anything about it.
Short but to the point. Whatever you felt was left out could have been added- I added links to westcoastshaving and badgerandblade as part of an answer as to where to buy blades from.

ummm...they could have trimmed it down to two sentences and a link to his blog imo.

"Buy an old safety razor like grandpa's. Blades are cheaper. Here's a link."

gee, thanks.
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