Another gem from that bastion of journalistic excellence, the BBC.
How hard is it to tell which century is which?
Sorry for banging on about this kind of thing, but I see schoolboy errors like this all the time. It just seems that nobody cares about getting details right any more. The BBC has become one of the worst offenders over the last few years. I'm sure it's because of their recruitment policies trying to favour those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Which is fine - but not when done at the expense of basic competence.
/end rant. said:
How hard is it to tell which century is which?
Sorry for banging on about this kind of thing, but I see schoolboy errors like this all the time. It just seems that nobody cares about getting details right any more. The BBC has become one of the worst offenders over the last few years. I'm sure it's because of their recruitment policies trying to favour those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Which is fine - but not when done at the expense of basic competence.
/end rant.