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Let's talk about Spam

Not the stuff that clogs up your mailbox. The stuff that comes in a pull-top can. Pork luncheon meat to you purists.

When I was a kid growing up, Spam would occasionally show up on our dinner table, pan fried in a sandwich or served alongside a couple of fried eggs. I never really liked it. Homogeneous texture and way too salty. After I left home, I never thought about buying it--it was one of the weird things like Postum that my folks had around the house but that I didn't plan carrying on as a family tradition.

Fast forward to me living in Asia. When I go to the local grocery stores, it turns out that there are a mind-numbing variety of canned meats. Some from China come in No. 10 tin cans or in long metal cylinders that look like they were made for packing a howitzer round. There's stuff from Brazil and from Central Europe. And everybody says that the gold standard is Tulip, canned in Denmark. That's a lot of canned pork.

But is it worth eating? Living in a country like the US where great cuts of meat are cheap and plentiful, why bother? Somebody must like it, because it seems to be selling. Low sodium, turkey, bacon and cheese--there seems to be even more varieties than ever. How about you? Any good Spam stories or recipies?

I'll just say that you haven't lived until you've had Spam tempura.
i am not a fan of spam, cause when we lived in Indonesia in the 80's there was a hoof-and-mouth scare with the water buffalo there so we ate a LOT of spam and tuna. Now i can't eat either very often.

BUT one thing I did like was a simple sandwich my MIL use to make. It was spam mixed with shredded cheese spread on a half of bun. Then the bun (open face) would be put under the broiler. Now that was actually really good !!!! I don't make it often but maybe once a year, just to remember one dish my MIL use to make (also for my kids) when there was a lot of company over or she needed something quick and fast and easy to put on the table. (she didn't make it often either)
Believe it or not, the first food my wife could face after a rough bout of morning sickness was

pan-fried spam.

- Chris
Spam was frequently on our dinner plate when I was a kid. Spam, bean soup and potato soup were staple dinners. Oh and SOS (Sh** on a Shingle). For those who don't know SOS is canned dried beef in milk gravy over toast. I still like all of the poor mans meals. Once the weather cools I'll be making bean soup with ham and cornbread or potato soap and bisquits--gotta have honey butter for both the cornbread and bisquits. Mom's meals = comfort food :smile:. Spam, sliced thin and fried crisp with eggs, good stuff. Cornbeef hash is another favorite with a couple fried eggs.
Haven't had Spam in years, but don't remember it as being too offensive.

On a side note, one of my best friends grew up in Spam's hometown of Austin, MN (Hormel HQ located there). You know how every town has some type of summer festival? Well, in Austin they've got Spam Jam. :lol:
I had spam and eggs just this morning. I always have a few tins in the cupboard for something quick to eat. I usually add it to beans or mix with egg beaters & mushrooms.

Never had it as a kid though! :001_tongu
I love fried Spam, but my wife and daughter don't.

Thankfully, they make single serving packages now.:smile:

I remember when you had to open Spam with a key.
I love fried Spam, but my wife and daughter don't.

Thankfully, they make single serving packages now.:smile:

I remember when you had to open Spam with a key.

Me too, we're old aren't we.

SSshhh..........Don't tell anyone.

"Well sonny, back in the olden days we used to open Spam with a key.":001_tongu
My family loved spam when I was growing up, with the exception of my mother. She called it "dog food". I'll never forget the time we went to the grocery store, and in front of about 15 people I requested my favorite canned meat using her term and exclaimed "it's my favorite"... She was so embarrassed, and looking back I can understand why especially the way that everyone else was looking at us :lol:
i'll see your spam tempura and raise you a spam musubi


pan-fried slices of spam, scrambled eggs, and rice is a great hangover breakfast also (soy sauce or sriracha optional)

Agreed. A deliciously sinful and salty cholesterol bomb but man-o-man does it taste good with an ice cold beer after work. :drool:

In fact, the best way that I had Spam tempura was in a Spam musubi-like dish. A friend of mine owned an izakaya in Okinawa and this was his chef's specialty.

Make a large, generally triangular shaped rice ball. Poke a good sized hole in the side of the ball and fill it with andansu. Andansu is an Okinawan specialty made out of shredded leftover pork, dark miso, sugar, awamori (like Okinawan shochu) and some bonito flakes all simmered together until it's the consistency of thick peanut butter. Then, a tempura-fried slice of Spam goes over the hole. The entire thing is wrapped in a crisp sheet of nori.

Like Thunderball said, one of these with a frosty mug of beer is heaven!


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I should probably give spam another go. Last time I had it, I think I was 12 and didn't like it much... It reminded me of dog food...
My mom used to make us "Pizza Burgers," which we LOVED...until we found out that they had Spam in them. It took us years to come around.

Spam, canned pizza sauce and mozz cheese mixed up, spread over hamburger bun halves and broiled.

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