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Let the games begin! -Blade sampling-


Needs milk and a bidet!
I've got a whole bunch of new blades to try out. Going to use a different one for each shave until I've tried them all.

I already know Voskhod and Feather yellows and Gillette Platinum are my "go to" blades.

With these my only goal is to have some fun! If I find another "go to" blade along the way so be it. If not...who cares!

I'll be posting my experience along the way in this thread. Primarily for my own record keeping. Figured folks might be interested in a review of some of these blades as well.

First up: Vintage Gillette Thin.



Needs milk and a bidet!
Going in to the shave with these I had high hopes. So far my luck with vintage has been 0/2. It is now 0/3. Being a Gillette blade I thought they would be better.

There was to much pulling to finish the shave with them. Took some pulling on my own part to move the razor down my sideburn.

I had to swap it out mid shave.



Needs milk and a bidet!
In reference to the above post. I swapped out the vintage Gillette thin for Nacet Platinum. Once again, much to my surprise, more of the same pulling. A few rough strokes with these and had to change it out.

With this one I actually felt the irritation on my skin after each stroke. My skin felt warm with a slight burning sensation.

so once again I made the switch mid shave.



Needs milk and a bidet!
referencing the above posts.....I swapped out the Nacet for a Gillette Stainless. Finally found a blade I could finish the shave with. It cut my beard a lot smoother than the other two. Not as smooth as I would have liked, but it was acceptable to finish the shave. I did 3 passes with it WTG,WTG,ATG. I'd call it a SAS

Although the shave was acceptable, I won't calling this a "go to" blade.

I really enjoy the Vidyut Super-Max super stainless blades in the top row, interested to see what you think of them
Cool thread... of your blades I have tried the Personna Meds, the 7 o'clock yellow and black, the Feather and of course the Astra SP.

Of the remaining you have pictured, I have the Lord (white with blue lettering), the Lord Super Chrome, the Vidyut, the SuperMax Platinum, the Shark, and the Gillette Stainless, so those would be of greater interest, but to be honest, I'd be very interested in your impressions on all of the blades.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Cool thread... of your blades I have tried the Personna Meds, the 7 o'clock yellow and black, the Feather and of course the Astra SP.

Of the remaining you have pictured, I have the Lord (white with blue lettering), the Lord Super Chrome, the Vidyut, the SuperMax Platinum, the Shark, and the Gillette Stainless, so those would be of greater interest, but to be honest, I'd be very interested in your impressions on all of the blades.
I plan on posting the shave results here for all that I try.

I'm a real blade snob. If there is to much pulling, tugging, or bad irritation then I wont blink an eye to change the blade mid shave.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Todays blade: Astra Superior Stainless

Results: Why can't all stainless blades shave like this one! You'll be happy to know I finished the whole shave with this blade. Astra really knows how to make blades.
If it wasn't for a little patch under my chin and down the middle of my neck I'd have a BBS. No weepers at all, no blood whatsoever.

did a two pass WTG-XTG on my cheeks/sideburns-ATG on my neck. and then some light touch up. I was able to do some blade buffing and shave a few spots with only water on my face with no blood loss or irritation.

:thumbup: for this blade.



Needs milk and a bidet!
Today's shave: Gillette Super Thin Platinum.

It had potential to be a great blade, but I think my beard had one to many days of growth. I was shaving a 3 day growth. Very rarely do I attempt to shave a 3 day beard but I went ahead. The first few strokes on my sideburns were only decent at best. I could feel the blade struggling to cut but it wasn't terrible. once I got to my cheeks where the skin is more loose the blade skipped over the hair rather than cutting it. I shaved half my face with it. I swapped it out for a Feather to finish the other half of my face and shave.

I plan revisit this blade with a 1-2 day beard. I think less growth will be what this blade needs to preform well.



Needs milk and a bidet!
Gillette Sharp Edge

Going to take this one for a round 2 to fully decide if It's a keeper. One small weeper, more so my bad technique than the blade. I was in a slight rush. But it handled my face well, no hint of being dull.
Not bad on the first shave.

Great thread!

Interesting that the Nacets were no good, I was eyeing these up as they're new additions to Connaught's range. I'll save the money, thanks! And I think I'm the only person not to like the Gillette Yellows - they cut me to shreds every time I used them.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Great thread!

Interesting that the Nacets were no good, I was eyeing these up as they're new additions to Connaught's range. I'll save the money, thanks! And I think I'm the only person not to like the Gillette Yellows - they cut me to shreds every time I used them.
I was surprised about the Nacets as well, thought they were going to preform great being "platinum" and all.

I don't mean this thread to be a "don't try this blade" type of thread. This is just my personal opinion on various blades I'm trying out, my way of keeping track for myself. I thought others might find the mini-reviews interesting.

Don't let my experience with any of these blades keep you from trying them. Blades perform differently for everyone.


Needs milk and a bidet!
todays blade: Cloud

First reaction was "wow this is super thin!". It is by far the thinest blade I've hand in my hands. felt flimsy and made some interesting sounds when I cranked closed the razor on it. It also gave a terrible shave. Skipped over the hair on my cheeks. I moved my face closer to the mirror held the razor in my hand and moved it down my cheek and could see that the blade was cutting nothing. I did this several times in the same spot with no results. I swapped it out and finished with a feather.

I'm knocking blades out left and right!



Needs milk and a bidet!
Tonights shave: Viking Sword.

I will be using these again for sure. I just can't tell on one shave if I like them or not. The shave wasn't as pleasurable as say Feathers, but I have as close to a BBS as I've gotten in a LONG TIME and I didn't even try for one. I'd call these mild blades, meaning it takes a lot for them to cause a weeper, I was passing it over damp skin (no lather, no extra splash of water) in the final touch up and it did just fine. I don't think I'd use a Feather blade like that. There was some slight tuggin and blade skippin but it wasn't as uncomfortable as some previous blades. I just had to take shorter strokes and rinse more and it was fine.

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