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Lea? Anyone?

A while back I ordered a styptic and alum block, while I was shopping online I seen what looked like a great deal (around $5 or so, not much more I don't think it is early and am on my coffee.) Lea shave cream in a big tube, it is the blue tube and I believe the sensitive type or normal. As with many members here when we see a deal we some times pull the trigger on it, as I think some things CAN be cheap and be a great product to hop on the bargain train for. I have yet to use this product as yet, my last shave was just the other day and I chose to have an all Proraso shave as I had bought a new bottle of Proraso AS balm...I had run out for some months on this fantastic balm and wanted to get it into circulation right away...so I used my Proraso green soap, pre shave and the balm...loaded my Merkur 34c hd with a new feather and had one of the best shaves I have ever had.

So...my question to you all is, Lea...how is it? Going to use it in my next shave, maybe I can get a little hint on what to expect...as for the instance I don't care for it...it will become a PIF or a trade if any one likes it a lot but more like a PIF I figure. Thanks ahead of time!
Oh, I thought you were asking :)

I haven't had a chance to try it unfortunately but the consensus seems to be that Lea/Bea creams and soaps are right up there with the best. No reason you shouldn't enjoy a great shave with it.
I find it to be a very good cream,at a very nice price.Not the absolute best,but it will always work just fine.Very mild scent.
I find it to be a very good cream,at a very nice price.Not the absolute best,but it will always work just fine.Very mild scent.

+1, I don't care for the scent on the "blue tube" Lea but the performance is good. I have a tube of the mentholated Lea and that works well too.
Here in Spain LEA is a very common and cheap shaving cream, with a "clean" scent and very decent performance. It's not a TOP but make lather incredible easy and has been used in barbershops for decades. Now we are expecting on how will works the new shaving soap stick with tallow&glycerin&lanolin added...

There is a travel size tube as well in 40 ml off the top of my head. 3 sizes in all. The menthol comes in only a larger tube.

I bought this travel size tube and I find it works very well. What I really like is the Lea ASB. That stuff is excellent. Slightly cooling, fresh scent, and no greasy residue. My next Shave A Buck order will include some of that for sure!
I have a large tube of Lea and used about the amount you would put on a small toothbrush. Lathered it up and did a three pass and touch up with it. I was really not impressed with it at all. It sits in the drawer with other tubes of creams I don't care for or use waiting for a trade sooner or later.
I like my Cella and AOS creams.
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