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Lazy Day = Back to the M3

I've been shaving with DE razors for 3-4 months now and have been getting some shaves. A few days ago I made it to "christmas break" from University (they give us 5 weeks off!) and finally had a chance to relax from the most hectic semester to date. Since I was in a bit of a lazy mood today, I decided to go back to my Mach 3. I showered, did a brushless face lather (more like face-film...) with Proraso and did 2 passes (XTG and ATG). Now that I lived to tell about it, I can easily say that I could go back to the bathroom and shave with a DE to take the SAS to a DFS or BBS in one pass.

Boy, I really don't miss having my razor clog after every inch of shaving...

The most significant difference of shaving with the M3 was the total lack of romance! I had very little enjoyment from the experience... Though, I probably would have had less if It hadn't been an experiment.

I have one more experiment to try by using a Brush with the m3, just for curiosity's sake.

Anyway, As usual, YMMV
I used the Mach3 power from 2004 when I first saw it in the supermarket till 2008 when I started using a DE. I have never gone back to the Mach3 since but I don't remember ever being able to just swipe the thing over my face a couple of times to get a passable shave in a few minutes like I can with the DE. The blades in modern Gillette razors must be far blunter than the bluntest DE blade.
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