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Lavender Aftershave Splash

Yes. I have Fine's Lavender pour Homme. Pretty awesome for a lavender aftershave. Not too flowery, and has good staying power. I recommend it.
Puig makes Agua Lavanda in a giant 750ml splash bottle that is a reasonable price. I smells like a lavender field blowing in the wind with all of the leaves and flowers as part of the scent.

That's a good description! Agua Lavanda Puig is my go-to aftershave when I'm in the mood for lavender (which is often). It's not straight lavender, but the scent components really seem to stretch the lavender pretty far, much farther than any straight lavender scent I've experienced.
If you're open to balms the AoS and Castle Forbes are my go to for straight lavender.

For splashes I love the Myrsol Agua Balsamica, Stirling Bergamot Lavender and Fine but none are just straight lavender.

I'll also use soap commander wisdom but the mint is the star player with lavender as more of a supporting player.
Atkinsons for Gentlemen Aftershave - partners very well with their shaving cream. Neither are cheap unless you manage to pick up a good deal on an auction site but I think they're worth it. I find a little of the aftershave goes a long way. The cream is excellent.
Being a fan of most things Puig (great quality scents that are very reasonably priced) I've yet to try Agua Lavanda. I also enjoy the scent of lavender, but the most lavender-y thing I've run into in my adventures in budget conscious scents has been Coty Aspen. Everything else I've tried, so far, that has had lavender in the "pyramid" has either been extremely weak or buried under some other note that my body reacts more strongly to.

I love the scent of Yardley Lavender soap, which I usually have a few on hand and always replace.

If Agua Lavanda smells anything like Yardley Lavender I'll have to pick some up.
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