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Lather's first brush restoration

I just got my TGN 24mm badger Silvertip grade A knot in the mail. It has flattened out from the journey but once I lather it up, it will bloom nicely.
The knot is going in an Albright handle. I will add some BBs for some heft and I think I will need a spacer to set the loft for the knot.

Here is a teaser pic:

to be continued...
I just got my TGN 24mm badger Silvertip grade A knot in the mail. It has flattened out from the journey but once I lather it up, it will bloom nicely.
The knot is going in an Albright handle. I will add some BBs for some heft and I think I will need a spacer to set the loft for the knot.

Here is a teaser pic:

to be continued...

That should look nice with that handle!
Nice handle and good choice of hair. Washers also work well for adding weight and as spacers to build a shelf to set the loft.

I assume you're using epoxy as a filler?
Nice handle and good choice of hair. Washers also work well for adding weight and as spacers to build a shelf to set the loft.

I assume you're using epoxy as a filler?

Thanks for all your compliments. Yes, I am using epoxy. I saw someone use cork as a spacer to set the loft, so I may use that.
I put BBs in the very bottom of the handle to test the heft but I may raise the height of the BBs to be closer to the knot to give a better feel.

Here is a pic of a mock up of the loft height. It is at 55mm right now.
55mm will be kind of floppy and will have a pretty large bloom. You may want to consider dropping down to 50mm.

To give you an idea, here's a post bloom of a restore I did with the 24mm TGN Grade A set at 50mm:

55mm will be kind of floppy and will have a pretty large bloom. You may want to consider dropping down to 50mm.

To give you an idea, here's a post bloom of a restore I did with the 24mm TGN Grade A set at 50mm:

Thanks for the picture. I haven't glued the knot yet so I am going to try your suggestion at work next week. Plus, my epoxy is at work anyway.
+1 to setting the knot a little deeper. The grade a knots are known for not having the best backbone. Your progress looks good. I can't wait to see it finished.
To give you a little more visual help in determining your loft, here's another post bloom on a restore with a 22mm TGN Grade A set at 48mm. As you can see, there is very little bloom at that loft.

Ultimately, you should set the brush loft how you want. I was not trying to tell you how to do it, just offering a little bit of the knowledge I have gained from the restorations I have done.

Looking forward to the finished product!

To give you a little more visual help in determining your loft, here's another post bloom on a restore with a 22mm TGN Grade A set at 48mm. As you can see, there is very little bloom at that loft.

Ultimately, you should set the brush loft how you want. I was not trying to tell you how to do it, just offering a little bit of the knowledge I have gained from the restorations I have done.

Looking forward to the finished product!

Thanks for the visual. Nice brush. I think I will set the loft below 50mm. It looks and feels right.
My first restoration is finished. The handle was completely hollow and I didn't like the heft at the bottom. I put rice, mixed with epoxy for the first 20 mm then BBs/epoxy for the remainder. I didn't weigh it before or after (I have to get a scale). I like how the weight is more behind the knot rather than at the base.
I left about a 23 mm shelf to give me 51 mm of loft. Overall, the brush stands at 118 mm.


In bloom...


Overall, I am happy with my first restoration. I palm lathered some Omega soap and it gave me reams of thick lather. I will defunk it one more time and in my rotation it goes.

Action shot with a monster truck I made a few years ago:

Now, I am on the hunt for some more handles...
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It turned out amazing!! I bet it feels really great and can whip a batch of heavy duty lather too.. Great job thanks for sharing it with us!!
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