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Last night's shave in one word:


Load your brush on your Tabac puck,,, then put a tiny dab of Speick cream in your lather bowl,, and you will understand...!!!!!
or better yet. Load your brush w/ a milled Speick shave stick and then add some speick cream to the shave bowl.
On the topic of smells,, my Tabac has a very faint and subtle smell that is barely detectable by me... To me,, it smells like a bar of 'spicier' soap....

The Speick looks and smells like Desitin or some other similar ointment........
So all the shave creams have that pearlescent look...??? It's like Vick's vap-o-rub or something,, best I can describe.....
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Tonight's shave was also "Speick-Tacac-ular".....
The only bad part about it is that I'm done now,, and my Khaki Set is getting lonely.......
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